Wasn't able to get anywhere with the key. Glabrous branchlets, leaves and calyces.
Unsure of this one, and I only took two photos. I’ll walk over tomorrow and take some more.
The more I see, the more unsure I become? Procumbent shrub in a dripping cave overhang. Thinking Epacris crassifolia because of the softly downy leaves, however that could also be Epacris pilosa? 3 veins are prominent on lower leaf surface, which probably rules out E. pilosa, so possibly E. crassifolia or E. lithophila???
Found growing in the Northern Tablelands near Mt Hyland homestead on a Ceratopetalum apetalum along a fire trail. 933M altitude. Tall, closed wet forest with Ceratopetalum apetalum as the dominant tree.
Leaves are ovular. Underleaves are roughly circular with two equal lobes that come down to the middle of the leaf. One underleaf per pair of lateral leaves.
UNE Beadle Herbarium, BAS4
On rhyolite outcrop, after high intensity fire in 2019-20 fires. The plant in the 2nd photo has obviously flowered in the season just past, and the one in the 1st photo still has a single flower on it.