

鯖魚 (Scomber scombrus)




10月 19, 2023 10:30 ADT


NUMBER: 20231019-3
SPECIES: Atlantic Mackerel, Scomber scombrus Linnaeus, 1758[1]
OTHER NAMES: Mackerel, Boston mackerel, Norwegian mackerel, Scottish mackerel
DISTINCTIONS: Greenish-yellow back with cross-hatched pattern on juveniles (Fig. 1). Body elongate, steel-blue marked with wavy black lines dorsally and silvery-white ventrally (Fig. 2), snout long and pointed. Possesses 2 far spaced spiny dorsal fins, 2 pectoral fins (Fig. 4), far spaced small caudal and anal fins, 4-6 dorsal finlets and 5 anal finlets. Body tapers down its length.
DATE: 19 October 2023, 10:30 AM
PHOTOGRAPHS: EHW took a long series of terrible photos (Figs. 1-4). Juveniles surfaced and dove rather fast. He should have taken videos.
HABITAT: Swimming in schools and feeding at surface
LOCALITY: Hennesseys Island, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
LATITUDE, LONGITUDE: 44.45103, -63.72600
KNOWN DISTRIBUTION: Often common in Temperate North Atlantic coastal areas, less common further north and in the Mediterranean.
USE: Heavy commercial fishing; sport fishing; bait fish; forage fish; and important tuna, billfish, jack, larger mackerel, and marine mammal food item
TASTE: Strong taste and odor; however, popular; high oil content and omega-3 fatty acids
GOOD: relatively low mercury content
STATUS: No longer sustainable; declining, and confusing; declining in NE Atlantic since 2015; overuse damages higher food chain. Greater value predacious fishes and marine mammals may be affected, particularly in this time of Global Change.
SIMILAR SPECIES: Atlantic Chub Mackerel, Scomber colias Gmelin, 1789, has a larger eye approximately half depth of head, vs much less; also, more rotund, brown spots on bottom half (ventral) of body, and snout not pointed.
IMPORTANCE: Atlantic Mackerel stocks are declining. Documented records are useful for following these widespread fish.
OBSERVERS: Dr. Ernest H. Williams, Jr.,[2,3,5,6] and Dr. Lucy Bunkley-Williams[2,4,5,7]
<>Williams, E. H., Jr., and L. Bunkley-Williams. 2023. Widespread Atlantic Mackerel, Scomber scombrus Linnaeus, stocks no longer sustainable, making documented records important. iNaturalist #???, 29 October 2023 (open access), ResearchGate [900].
[1]Identification was peer-reviewed, text edited and sometimes condensed. The original text is in our reprint #900 and ResearchBase. [2]Extraordinary Professors, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University, South Africa; Adjunct Professors, Research Field Station, Florida Gulf Coast University, 5164 Bonita Beach Road, Bonita Springs, FL 34134; [3]Dept. Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico (retired); [4]Dept. Biology, UPR (retired); [5]920 St. Andrews Blvd, Naples, FL 34113-8943; [6]e-mail ermest.williams1@upr.edu; ORCID 0000-0003-0913-3013; [7]e-mail lucy.williams1@upr.edu, ORCID 0000-0003-1390-911x

Figure 1. Atlantic Mackerel juveniles; 1 near the surface (upper) several below (center)
Figure 2. Atlantic Mackerel 2 juveniles swirling near the surface. Pale unmarked belly.
Figure 3. Juvenile Atlantic Mackerel swirling near the surface.
Figure 4. Atlantic Mackerel 2 juveniles feeding near the surface. Dark short pectoral fins.

鯖魚 - Photo 由 Timothe Benazet-Fays 所上傳的 (c) Timothe Benazet-Fays,保留所有權利
aaron-ulrick 的鑑定 鯖魚 (Scomber scombrus)
在 2024年6月20日 加入



鯖魚 (Scomber scombrus)




9月 8, 2023 13:18 ADT


Very large school! Possibly 200 or more. Seen while snorkeling 😍

If you're crafty, you can learn to recognize the scat in the water indicating a school is circling and just circle around as well... Eventually running into them

鯖魚 - Photo 由 Timothe Benazet-Fays 所上傳的 (c) Timothe Benazet-Fays,保留所有權利
aaron-ulrick 的鑑定 鯖魚 (Scomber scombrus)
在 2024年6月20日 加入


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