growing singly in leaf litter, grassy area under live oaks; cap hemispherical, matted down hairs/fibrils radiating outward, lilac under cream flesh; gills subdistant to crowded, with many short gills, free or strongly notched, white to faint lilac; stem straight, slightly fibrousy, partly hollow, white directly under gills becoming lilac; white mycelium at base
Smells and tastes like radish, bittersweet. Under Hesperocyparis forbesii.
Gregarious and some clustered.
Chaparral plant community in desert, near cottonwoods.
Growing in shaded slope dominated by manzanita, with Eriodictyon, Rhus, scrub oak, Prunus, and Ribes.
Cap 1 cm diameter, "midnight blue" color, dense velvet texture, with distinct white line around margin. Stipe shaggy. Gills bluish.
Collected for voucher.
Found by @acorncap