Growing in lawn with grass and clover, base turn slightly yellow when scratched but reverts to white after awhile.
I had never seen the little spines on puff balls before! So beautiful ! These were along a road edge in old growth forest along the roadside.
Growing on an old conifer log.
Growing on a conifer log.
In seep under Picea engelmannii.
On bank of creek under shrubby Salix.
Mixed conifer forest.
Under Abies grandis, Picea engelmannii, Larix occidentalis.
Salmon colored caps. Thin cap flesh. Taste and odor mild to slightly sweet. Elevation about 6200'. Mixed conifer area with spruce, fir, some pine and Douglas fir.
UV reaction at base in pic 3
Mixed conifer area at 6200'. Some aspen also present nearby.
Large clump of dry papery lichen