期刊歸檔用於 2019年12 月


Thanks for a great year on iNat

I've had a great year on iNaturalist, and hope you did too! here's a blog post I wrote with some stats: www.naturefold.wordpress.com/2019/12/30/inaturalist-year-in-review-2019
Thanks to everyone who's helped identify my more than 15000 observations this year, especially:
· @borisb for identifying my Beetle observations and teaching me so much about them,
· @jurga_li for patiently identifying my Lichen observations,
· @rolftheobo and @epsilon for helping with my German plants,
· @veszt and @georgeg for identifying lots of Mosses,
· @rombrand @irmi and @else for helping with lots of my fungus observations,
· @pdubois and @bbinsecte for correcting lots of Harvestman mistakes,
· @lupoli_roland for identifying my true bugs.,
and 850 more...
You've all encouraged and helped me so much in 2019, and I'm curious to see what next year brings.

由使用者 alexis_orion alexis_orion2019年12月31日 15:48 所貼文 | 6 評論 | 留下評論