Please check out current taxonomy for bats

Nancy Simmons and Andrea Cirranello have a wonderful site that provided the most recent taxonomy for bats.

Please take a look.

Cite the database: Simmons, N.B. and A.L. Cirranello. 2019. Bat Species of the World: A taxonomic and geographic database. Accessed on 08/02/2019.

由使用者 bat_dude bat_dude2019年08月24日 19:39 所貼文


I think the addition of photo images for species that match a "suggested names" is misleading. It may imply that the image was part of the observation vs. those observations that are photographic records of a species occurrence.

Is this happening automatically or are observers choosing to add these form some photo archived database?

發佈由 bat_dude 約 5 年 前

Acoustic records are extremely valuable as voucher records for many bat species and is a non-invasive means of documenting the occurrence. Just as an out of focus or poorly lit image from a phone or digital camera is not useful beyond suggesting a superficial identification acoustic records should be sufficiently well recorded and displayed to provide identifications.

There needs to be standard guidelines on how graphical displays of call sequence screenshots are posted. Far too many are not at an adequate scale either X (time-line that should be 10 ms. tick marks) or Y scale the frequency range in kHz. Call sequences with considerable background noise displayed are also not very useful as standalone records.

Note while auto-IDs are somewhat useful for a first rough classification, however, most are < 35% correct. It is important for observers to first determine if the species range is included in the area/country of the recording. E.g. Taderida calls form countries such as Belize are incorrect as the species does not occur there.

I would like to begin a dialog with other bat people on developing a standard for iNaturalist acoustic bat records.

發佈由 bat_dude 約 5 年 前


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