Field Trip in Dumfries & Galloway

So I returned yesterday from a 2 day field trip to Dumfries & Galloway, whilst there I was helping out with surveying for presence of Great Crested Newt but due to the sensitive nature of the site, all records are currently private and as such I can't say exactly where I was, only what I saw.
It was a fun trip actually, we left on Tuesday evening, and returned early Thursday morning. Though I will say this: Camping in Scottish Spring is really bloody cold!
Dumfries & Galloway is quite a diverse & under-appreciated place and we were right out in the middle of nowhere really, half way up a hill!
There were hundreds of Palmate Newts present in the ponds, and many, many Common Frog tadpoles, Common Toads were breeding in one of the ponds too - nice to see. Whilst egg searching we found some really pale, pretty white eggs which we thought would be those of Great Crested Newt but upon further research since we returned, it would seem that they are more likely to be the eggs of Palmate Newts - certainly we saw no other evidence of GCN on site.
Amongst the other bits & pieces I saw whilst out & about were: Pheasant, Red Kite, Buzzard, Goshawk, Sparrowhawk, Hen Harrier, Barn Owl, Tawny Owl, Meadow Pipit, Woodcock, Roe Deer, Chaffinch, Coal Tit, Carrion Crows & Jackdaws. Not a bad list for only a few days without any dedicated searching!

由使用者 erikpaterson erikpaterson2012年04月27日 10:48 所貼文




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