2/3 done in our ID project! And on two similar red bug genera

Project: La Mesa Eco Park, Quezon City, Luzon Island, Philippines

  • We've finished identifying ~200 species in La Mesa Eco park.
  • 124 species left to ID for June and August 2023 , broken down below:
    a. 20-27 Jun: 67 species
    b. 4 Aug: 15 spp.
    c. 11-27 Aug: 42 spp.

Observation of the day:
Western Hooded Pitta (Pitta sordida)

Observed 19 May 2023. Photo by tiluchi.

Seed Bugs (Genus Thunbergia) and Cotton Stainer Bugs (Genus Dysdercus) are a bit puzzling, more research needed on how to differentiate these two genera.

Also learned more about the dorsal and ventral aspects of a turtle: the carapace and the plastron, respectively! Cool stuff.

Reference: https://www.britannica.com/animal/turtle-reptile#ref421355


由使用者 finding_remo finding_remo2023年12月30日 12:53 所貼文




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