期刊歸檔用於 2024年1月


Need ID, Luzon Island, Philippines. Some plants, fungi, and butterflies

Location: La Mesa Ecopark, Quezon City, Luzon Island, Philippines, Southeast Asia

PLANTS. a. Ferns: 173369907, 173369732, 173369634, 173364403
b. Flowering plants or angiosperms: burhead or swordplant, waterlily, & fig

FUNGI (Basidiomycetes?): Pinelitter gingertail 169902893, Deer mushroom 169903162, & Golden scruffy Collybia 169944071.

BUTTERFLIES and MOTHS (Lepidoptera): Admirals and allies 169411132, Erebus 169416352, Neptini (sailer) 169334970, Erebidae (moth) 168784010, Neptini (sailer) 168784202 .

Remarks: The Philippine Five-Ring looks somewhat similar (emphasis on somewhat) to a Dark-branded bushbrown, in terms of spots.

Happy new year!


由使用者 finding_remo finding_remo2024年01月08日 19:49 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Useful stats for identifications

由使用者 finding_remo finding_remo2024年01月08日 19:52 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


La Mesa Ecopark, need ID for Philippine mushrooms

Here are 12 fungi observations that need ID. Suggestions are very much welcome!
Location: La Mesa Ecopark, Quezon City, Luzon Island, Philippines, Southeast Asia

Format: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/[Link]
Example: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/34576365

34576365, 189820401, 189821169 , 189821571

189822144, 189820401, 189822391, 189822563

191057596, 191054709, 191057329, 191057619

Unrelated note: It's still cool that bananas, abaca, and ginger are all more closely related than with other plants (they're Order Zingiberales).

由使用者 finding_remo finding_remo2024年01月23日 12:08 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Mini-project complete: ~350 observations identified

We're done identifying 2% of observed species in Quezon City, Luzon Island, Philippines! ≽^•⩊•^≼
We helped identify around 350 observations of macro-organisms (photos and audio). These are nonhuman species that can be observed by the naked eye.
350 / 16 700 observed wildlife in Metro Manila = 2%
350 / 250 000 observed wildlife in the Philippines = .1%

Location: La Mesa Ecopark, La Mesa Watershed Reserve, Quezon City, Luzon Island, Philippines.
Biome: tropical rainforest

由使用者 finding_remo finding_remo2024年01月23日 12:23 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
