Great Deal on Camera for iNaturalist Observations

I am often asked what camera I use for my iNaturalist observations. The vast majority of my photos have been taken with an Olympus TG-4 or newer TG-5 camera. These point and shoot waterproof cameras are great for macro shots, and with the addition of an add-on Olympus FD-1 flash diffuser ($40-50) can be used in total darkness to take closeup images. Right now the Olympus Outlet store has refurbished TG-4s on sale for only $185.99, and this is an incredible deal for anyone looking for an inexpensive camera to use for nature observations. In my own experience refurbished products I have bought directly from Olympus look brand new, and include a 90 day warranty. So if you are looking for new camera to use for iNaturalist check out the following link.

由使用者 friel friel2018年05月15日 19:05 所貼文


Definitely excellent cameras. Plus they have built-in GPS!

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