期刊歸檔用於 2018年5月


Great Deal on Camera for iNaturalist Observations

As the admin for this project I am often asked what camera I use for my iNaturalist observations. The vast majority of my photos have been taken with an Olympus TG-4 or newer TG-5 camera. These point and shoot waterproof cameras are great for macro shots, and with the addition of an add-on Olympus FD-1 flash diffuser ($40-50) can be used in total darkness to take up closeup images. Right now the Olympus Outlet store has refurbished TG-4s on sale for only $185.99, and this is an incredible deal for anyone looking for an inexpensive camera to use for nature observations. In my own experience refurbished products I have bought directly from Olympus look brand new, and include a 90 day warranty. So if you are looking for new camera to use for iNaturalist check out the following link. http://www.getolympus.com/us/en/outlet/tg-4-black-reconditioned.html

由使用者 friel friel2018年05月15日 19:01 所貼文 | 4 評論 | 留下評論

Great Deal on Camera for iNaturalist Observations

I am often asked what camera I use for my iNaturalist observations. The vast majority of my photos have been taken with an Olympus TG-4 or newer TG-5 camera. These point and shoot waterproof cameras are great for macro shots, and with the addition of an add-on Olympus FD-1 flash diffuser ($40-50) can be used in total darkness to take closeup images. Right now the Olympus Outlet store has refurbished TG-4s on sale for only $185.99, and this is an incredible deal for anyone looking for an inexpensive camera to use for nature observations. In my own experience refurbished products I have bought directly from Olympus look brand new, and include a 90 day warranty. So if you are looking for new camera to use for iNaturalist check out the following link. http://www.getolympus.com/us/en/outlet/tg-4-black-reconditioned.html

由使用者 friel friel2018年05月15日 19:05 所貼文 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


Little River Canyon NP BioBlitz - May 18-20


This 2018 BioBlitz is our third event focusing on documenting the ecological diversity of our park. We invite everyone, amateur or expert, to join us the weekend of May 18-20, 2018. Whether you stay only one hour or all day, participants are welcome to explore the park on a self-guided hike or join subject matter experts that will lead hikes in various areas of the park.

All weekend, we are trying something different…..hikes will be “a la carte”. We will have subject matter experts at the Little River Canyon Center and various areas that can take people on hikes that vary from short and breezy to long and laborious. Each day begins at 8:00, where we’ll start the day at the Canyon Center and group up and decide who goes where. We’ll convene again after lunch for more trips.

The day begins with an initial "welcome" and daily event listing at the Little River Canyon Center (472 AL Hwy 35, Fort Payne). There is free Wi-Fi in the Center where participants can sync observations if they choose to not do so in the field. There will also be a table with field guides. Subject matter expert will be on hand at the Center from 3:00 to 5:00 to help identify your findings.

Friday and Saturday nights, we will be black-lighting for insects as well as searching out the calls of frogs in a couple of ponded areas. Friday night we will be “mothing” at Canyon Mouth Park from 6:00 to ~10:00. And of course we’ll check out the herps while we are down there! Everyone will meet at the Canyon Center and we'll carpool to the site. Saturday night will begin at 6:00 with a frog talk & walk with Dr. Cline at the Canyon Center. Then at 8:00 we’ll have the mothing sheets up and ready to go on the back deck. Check out our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/lirinps/ to sign up for the event and get updates on the agenda.

Be sure to bring lots of water & snacks, insect repellent, and sunscreen. Also, pack a lunch for your trek. Be prepared for hiking in woodlands, wading the river & streams, and/or sloshing through a wetland, so in addition to your hiking boots, you may want to bring river sandals and rubber boots too!

We want participants to have a fun time and learn a lot....however, we ask that everyone follow Leave No Trace principles. That means we need to leave the areas we visit just as we found them. A few rules include:

-Prevent or minimize trampling. When getting off trail, don't wander too far so as to not get lost. Stay together.
-If you lift or roll a rock, log, or cover board, please put it back exactly how you found it. These microhabitats are import for our fauna....it's their homes, be a good visitor. If a log is too rotten to roll, then leave it be.
-Don't seek out Federal or State listed species, but if you do encounter them, please obscure the location of your observation. Park staff will see the exact location, not the public.
-Don't disturb or move any marked flagging or pins that are associated with research on-going in the park.
-When venturing on your own, please be aware there are black bears and venomous snakes in the park. Do not try to approach them. No observation is worth potentially compromising your safety. Only document in a way/distance that is safe for you and the wildlife. If you choose to handle small fauna, such as insects or salamanders, please use caution and bring no harm to them. Remember, we are the guests in their home....so be a good visitor! Be gentle, and be quick.

Last thing....PHOTOS. Please take several shots so that you can have as much evidence as possible to crack the case of identifying your subject. For plants, get a close shot of flowers, leaves (top and bottom), plant base, stalks/stems. For wildlife it can be tricky, critters don't sit still like plants. Please don't pick up snakes, only let the professionals handle them. For small creatures (frog, beetle, spider,etc), make sure you get a good picture of the face/eyes, back (front too if possible), and sides. Make sure your subject is focused and the center of attention in the pictures. The more photos you take, the better. You can vet the bad pics and choose the goods ones when you sync your data at the VC or home. You can choose to sync your data in the field...just be mindful of your data limits and lack of cell coverage in some areas of the park.

We want to sincerely thank each and every one of you who will join us to seek out new knowledge of our park and add to its ever-growing list of biota.

由使用者 friel friel2018年05月17日 21:19 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Bat Blitz 2018 - May 31, 2018 @ Lakepoint State Park in Eufaula, AL

The AL and GA Bat Working Groups are hosting a Bat Blitz where groups of researchers and scientist and educators will spend 3 nights in the area surrounding Eufaula in AL and GA doing surveys of our local bats. Data will be collected that will help the Working Groups learn more about the bats in the area and how to better man-age those populations.

Join the AL & GA Bat Working Groups Education Committee on May 31 to learn more about bats and their importance to our ecosystem, see live bats up close, buy a bat house, get a bat tat-too or have a bat painted on your face.

From 2:00-10:00 pm the AL and GA Bat Working Groups education committees are hosting an educational event in conjunction with the AL and GA Bat Working Groups’ Blitz. The event will be at the Lakepoint State Park Lodge in Eufaula.

There will be activities for the kids, presentations featuring live bats, an art contest awards ceremony and a mist netting event (must be 10 years old or older and register for this portion of the event).

The event will feature a bat house booth, information booths, photo opportunities, face painting and tattoo booths, craft booths and art from local students will also be displayed and awards given between several formal presentations.

Among the groups participating are AL DNR, GA DNR, Birmingham Zoo, Auburn University’s Museum of Natural History, University of Georgia’s Museum of Natural History, A-Z Animals, US Forest Service, Huntsville Bat House Project and Habitat for Bats.

The schedule of events for Thursday, May 31, are as follows:

2:00-5:00 pm----activities and informational booths in the Lodge’s lobby

5:00 pm--- Batty About Bats by A-Z ANIMALS featuring live bats presentation in Lodge meeting room

6:300-7:00 pm---Awards Ceremony for Art contest winners (any student K-12 may enter by dropping off art work at either the Eufaula Community Center or the Eufaula Library May 21-25. Students must submit original art work see the AL Bat Working Groups Facebook page for more information and the rules.) in the Lodge meeting room

7:00-8:00 pm-- --- Batty About Bats by A-Z ANIMALS featuring live bats presentation in Lodge meeting room

8:00 -10:00 pm----mist netting event at site near Lodge (you must be at least 10 years old with an adult or older to attend this part of the event please pre-register as space is limited —to register send an email to tasha.simon@dcnr.alabama.gov with you name and number of people attending—you will receive a confirmation letter).

由使用者 friel friel2018年05月30日 21:46 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
