期刊歸檔用於 2019年5月


Species Plantarum Programme

由使用者 italopithecus italopithecus2019年05月13日 13:50 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Carpobrotus (affinis) acinaciformis vs edulis subsp. edulis

1) Staminodes (petals) pink. Hypanthium abruptly narrowed into peduncle. Receptacle flat. Upper leaves distinctly saber-shaped: C. (affinis) acinaciformis

1A) Staminode (petals) pale yellow (rarely yellow), sometimes pale pink when senescing. Hypanthium gradually narrowed. Receptacle raised. All leaves not saber-shaped: C. edulis subsp. edulis

Wisura W, Glen HF (1993) The South African species of Carpobrotus (Mesembryanthema-Aizoaceae). Contr Bolus Herb 15: 76–107.

由使用者 italopithecus italopithecus2019年05月30日 16:20 所貼文 | 2 個觀察記錄 | 1 評論 | 留下評論

Carpobrotus (affinis) acinaciformis vs edulis subsp. edulis

1) Staminodes (petals) pink. Hypanthium abruptly narrowed into peduncle. Receptacle flat. Upper leaves distinctly saber-shaped: C. (affinis) acinaciformis

1A) Staminode (petals) pale yellow (rarely yellow), sometimes pale pink when senescing. Hypanthium gradually narrowed. Receptacle raised. All leaves not saber-shaped: C. edulis subsp. edulis

C. (affinis) acinaciformis

C. edulis subsp. edulis:

由使用者 italopithecus italopithecus2019年05月30日 16:23 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論