Taxonomic backbones for Europe (plus some others...)
Hi everyone! Over the last months, a recurring theme has been the adoption of external taxonomic authorities for the European (= West Palaearctic) region.
This post is meant as an open discussion forum for the – mostly European – iNat community to come up with a set of taxonomic authorities suited for the region, which could then go into the relevant section of the Curator Guide.
@kueda @loarie let us know if there are certain requirements that an external authority should, or has to, fulfil.
So here's my initial suggestion open for discussion:
Plants of Europe: the Euro+Med PlantBase (where treatment is complete), otherwise falling back to the PlantList.
European animals not covered by taxon-specific global lists (eg birds, amphibians, reptiles, spiders...): Fauna Europaea
In addition to the question of taxonomic authorities with a European focus, I'm also adding a bunch of suggestions for other regions and / or taxa:
Plants of Africa + Madagascar: African Plant Database
Lepidoptera (only moths, and excluding butterflies) of Africa: AfroMoth
Global Orthoptera list: Orthoptera Species File
I'm tagging a bunch of users into this post who I think might be interested and hope this doesn't feel like spam. If you don't want to follow this discussion, I think you should be able to unsubscribe from this post.
@alvarosaurus @amc @annemirdl @blue_celery @borisb @claudioflamigni @damighez @danieleseglie @deboas @dhobern @dinobiancolini @duarte @enricoschifani @erwin_pteridophilos @fabienpiednoir @fausto @finrod @jasonrgrant @jujurenoult @lancillotto @ldacosta @leo_dapporto @manval @marcello @marcoschmidtffm @martinbishop @mattiamenchetti @purperlibel @qgroom @rmedina @sindic @smuele @tiggrx @torsten @treegrow @vilseskog @wouterkoch @wouterteunissen