
American Robin Flyovers Take 2

Quick adujustment to what I said in the "American Robin Flyover" original post. Migration doesn't start until October, late September. Thanks to the birders who pointed this mistake out to me.
They are actually flocking, like a few other species, such as Common Grackles, Red-winged Blackbirds, etc, and they are birds from nearby. However, I will continue to count. Interesting to see how the numbers fluctuate. Plus, data is data, as the birders reassured me that my counts were not for nothing.

由使用者 josephthebirder josephthebirder2019年09月16日 18:04 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


American Robin Flyovers

For the past two years, I have been trying to remember to stand at the corner of my street and stare at the sky...Staring at the sky for the flocks of American Robins that flyover every fall. Starting in late August, I begin the counts around 4:00 PM. Typically the robins don't start moving until 7:20 PM so early in the season of migration. The reason for going out that early is for Common Nighthawks, and Black and Turkey Vultures that sometimes join the action. Typically, the first small-medium sized flock, anywhere from 10 to 30 birds per flock. By the time 7:50 rolls around, most of the larger flocks, 50+ birds, have flown over and a few straggling flocks move through. Sometimes Common Grackles, Brown-headed Cowbirds, and European Starlings join the migrating robins, but typically the grackles and cowbirds are earlier in the evening. Leaving time to focus entirely on robin counting.

Unlike Common Grackles, American Robins fly in loose flocks that sometimes take a good minute to pass over. During peak migration, they skies will be filled with robins for three-five minutes without much of a break. My highest count came on October 31st, 2017. I counted 3, 313 American Robins that evening. I couldn't believe it as I added up the totals. https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S40243965

I officially started 2019s count on August 23rd. Only 16 birds that night. Nothing crazy and exactly what I expected from so early in the year. https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S59234336

On August 26th, I went back out again, and low and behold, my mind was blown by the nights count. 490 American Robins flew over that evening. I couldn't believe it! So early in the year yet so many robins?
I feel away from the counts for a while but picked it up again on September 4th, 2019; however, that count was rained on, big time. Down pours that made it impossible to see the sky for ten minutes. By the time I got back out (I went inside for the sake of my gear) there were hardly any robins flying. That being said, I still managed to count 155 American Robins in a five minute window! Once again, mind blown. https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S59518820

I fell away from the counts for another while, which bugged the crap out of me. So this evening, September 14th, 2019, I went out at 6:45 PM. The first small, loose flock flew over at exactly 6:55 PM and an irregular pattern of small flocks commenced. The largest two flock sizes only reaching 25 individual birds. I wrapped up the count at 7:30 PM due to the sun having set and the skys colors disappearing. The bats were out and typically when the bats come out, the robins stop flying. So I ended the night with 168 American Robins. https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S59806288

Looking forward to future counts!

由使用者 josephthebirder josephthebirder2019年09月15日 00:59 所貼文 | 1 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
