I've put together a fairly basic ID chart for ID'ing Triodanis flowers to species. This is a living document, so it may have changes made without notice. I suggest bookmarking the following link instead of downloading the document:
For questions/comments about the document, please PM me directly. For questions about ID'ing a particular observation, please tag me in the observation using @kimberlietx
@flwrecoevo @tsimmonds @katetilly @pfau_tarleton @suz @sambiology @baxter-slye @kathrynwells333 @lisa281 @connlindajo @beckymn @bacchusrock @inatural156 @jsuplick @itmndeborah @bob777 @gcwarbler @squaylei2000 @sonnia @alusk @cosmiccat
Fantastic! But because of the drought, I've yet to see a Triodanis this year :(
I am seeing the stems, just no flowers yet. Coming soon, but a good rainstorm or two would certainly help!
Thanks for sharing!
Much appreciated, Kimberlie! I am seeing/documenting some specimens already but haven't uploaded them to iNat yet.
This is GREAT! You are WONDERFUL!
Terrific, Kimberlie! Thanks for putting it together. I'll add the link to my list! I've seen some stems and leaves, but not a single one flowering yet.
By the way, Triodanis biflora is showing up down here in south Texas.
Nice! Thank you!
Thanks for your efforts putting this together. Very useful.
This is wonderful. Thank you Kimberlie!! @kimberlietx
Great chart, thanks! The only blooming Triodanis that I have right now is in my butterfly garden.