
Taking My Dogs On A Mushroom Walk

So being the perfect conditions for mushrooms this morning, I’m looking around this vernal bog down my property a ways for fungi and lichens while my 2 dogs are running, launching themselves through the woods around me. I’m bent down observing some salmon pinkgills (pictured at bottom) ignoring this sharp pinch at my thigh. Intently taking in what I’m looking at it happens again, and again. I bolt upright because now they’re starting to really hurt. I finally realize my furry rockets have obviously trampled on a hornets nest and now I’m getting the brunt of it. I darted out of the woods swiping at the hornets on my leggings screaming, dogs running beside me with their tongues out like we’re racing. I bet my neighbours got quite a show lmao. 🙃

Long story short my dogs will not be coming with me again. I was only stung 8 times - so thankful for my rain coat & boots. 😂

I later had to go back and look for my phone because it went flying out of my pocket while running away. I went back wielding a can of hot shot. 🤣

由使用者 lady-longlegs94 lady-longlegs942022年09月01日 16:36 所貼文 | 9 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
