Heading Off Mass Extinction

UCSB ecologist Benjamin Halpern co-authors a new study that underscores the need for better data to facilitate effective biodiversity conservation
By Julie Cohen
Thursday, April 21, 2016 - 11:00
Santa Barbara, CA

To prevent a new mass extinction of the world’s animal and plant life, scientists need to understand threats to biodiversity, where they occur and how quickly change is happening. To do that, they need reliable and accessible data.

This Venn diagram shows the different criteria used to evaluate each dataset and their overlaps. The sweet spot — the middle area — shows the 14 datasets that meet all criteria. - See more at: http://www.news.ucsb.edu/2016/016714/heading-mass-extinction#sthash.tWn1vvON.dpuf

由使用者 lynnwatson lynnwatson2016年04月21日 19:09 所貼文


Looks like iNat can be a big help.
That's why I'm gathering data in the John Muir Wilderness of Sierra National Forest.
I think we need a lot more citizen scientists. The California Naturalist Program should help in that area.

發佈由 sekihiker 超過 8 年 前


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