
Frogmouths Forever

My latest short nature video, ‘Frogmouths Forever' is now on YouTube. Should you wish to have a look, the link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHIDA7sd2w0 . There is narration and natural sound on the soundtrack so make sure you have your volume on; the video is just under five minutes long.

If you watch the video I hope that you enjoy it. I trust that it will spread awareness of this marvellous Australian bird, and assist conservation. Feel free to share the link.


由使用者 matthewlh matthewlh2023年11月23日 20:31 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Platypus Frolic

My latest short nature video is now on YouTube at https://youtu.be/ZY4udesr8go

The Platypus is one of Australia’s, and the world’s, most distinctive animals. A monotreme (egg-laying mammal), Platypus live around waterways, diving to the bottom to hunt for invertebrates, aided by electroreceptors in the animal's bill. The Platypus then surfaces to breath and chew its food before diving again. They rest and breed in burrows in stream banks. The video includes boisterous interaction between animals, demonstrating territorial disputes and mating. Platypus are a near-threatened species. Conserving their habitat is vital. Yet they do survive in altered waterways, like the Bega Valley one shown in the video. I hope you like the folk music on the soundtrack too.

Feel free to share the link if you wish.

PS I am aware that some of you have already viewed the video, thanks!

由使用者 matthewlh matthewlh2022年09月07日 22:17 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Australian Wildlife: Black Range Adventure

In case you’d like to have a look, here’s my latest short nature video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/VDbyTdb5KVA

Come on a little journey to Black Range and the Bega area and enjoy an intimate view of some of Australia's wild creatures living their daily lives - and getting up to some amusing antics. On the soundtrack there’s natural sound plus a nice American folk piece by Zachariah Hickman.

If you like the film please pass on the link to others.


由使用者 matthewlh matthewlh2022年02月06日 03:23 所貼文 | 2 評論 | 留下評論


Platypus scratch!

Even a Platypus needs to have a scratch from time to time. Watch this rare footage of a wonderful Australian animal during a quiet moment on the water. A 30-second escape from the Covid lockdown blues! https://youtu.be/-wFOwfbx8Pk


由使用者 matthewlh matthewlh2021年08月24日 02:54 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Lyrebird Magic

My latest short nature video is now on YouTube. Should you wish to have a look, the link is https://youtu.be/cHeGN101kek


由使用者 matthewlh matthewlh2021年07月21日 02:50 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


High Stakes: a Snowy Mountains winter

Further to my post about recent nature videos, about a decade ago I made a video about Kosciuszko National Park in winter, High Stakes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blUXZmCtKu0 . It is basically a cross-country skier’s view of the back country, including huts, natural heritage and climate change. Canberra friends did the music. Given that Four Mile has now gone, and Whites River rebuilt, the footage has some historical value already...


由使用者 matthewlh matthewlh2021年04月11日 09:53 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Wildlife videos

iNat people interested in my YouTube videos can acess them via the following links:

Waterway Wanders https://youtu.be/itU_7plBMKc
Bush Bounty https://youtu.be/F97JpPq0JYo
Red-belly Summer https://youtu.be/5ERIq1qAKvA
Kestrel Windhover https://youtu.be/uio1bGK2BRI
Go Goanna https://youtu.be/Go9Vm2j-5lA
Whales: Humpbacks ahoy https://youtu.be/z5ZIvjFSJdQ
Doin’ the Dragon https://youtu.be/1UTqfGI5TTs
Bush Birth https://youtu.be/uQKsV2qW6xs
Wombat Wanders https://youtu.be/dndxE2yJ0zU
Wild Black Range https://youtu.be/Ti4FBWdmtDY
Platypus Morn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QphTZ1DAh0&t=1s
Wedge-tailed Eagles: Audax 2020 https://youtu.be/OyZCrLvb4E8


由使用者 matthewlh matthewlh2021年04月11日 09:50 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
