期刊歸檔用於 2021年4月


Wildlife videos

iNat people interested in my YouTube videos can acess them via the following links:

Waterway Wanders https://youtu.be/itU_7plBMKc
Bush Bounty https://youtu.be/F97JpPq0JYo
Red-belly Summer https://youtu.be/5ERIq1qAKvA
Kestrel Windhover https://youtu.be/uio1bGK2BRI
Go Goanna https://youtu.be/Go9Vm2j-5lA
Whales: Humpbacks ahoy https://youtu.be/z5ZIvjFSJdQ
Doin’ the Dragon https://youtu.be/1UTqfGI5TTs
Bush Birth https://youtu.be/uQKsV2qW6xs
Wombat Wanders https://youtu.be/dndxE2yJ0zU
Wild Black Range https://youtu.be/Ti4FBWdmtDY
Platypus Morn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QphTZ1DAh0&t=1s
Wedge-tailed Eagles: Audax 2020 https://youtu.be/OyZCrLvb4E8


由使用者 matthewlh matthewlh2021年04月11日 09:50 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

High Stakes: a Snowy Mountains winter

Further to my post about recent nature videos, about a decade ago I made a video about Kosciuszko National Park in winter, High Stakes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blUXZmCtKu0 . It is basically a cross-country skier’s view of the back country, including huts, natural heritage and climate change. Canberra friends did the music. Given that Four Mile has now gone, and Whites River rebuilt, the footage has some historical value already...


由使用者 matthewlh matthewlh2021年04月11日 09:53 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
