期刊歸檔用於 2022年9月


Platypus Frolic

My latest short nature video is now on YouTube at https://youtu.be/ZY4udesr8go

The Platypus is one of Australia’s, and the world’s, most distinctive animals. A monotreme (egg-laying mammal), Platypus live around waterways, diving to the bottom to hunt for invertebrates, aided by electroreceptors in the animal's bill. The Platypus then surfaces to breath and chew its food before diving again. They rest and breed in burrows in stream banks. The video includes boisterous interaction between animals, demonstrating territorial disputes and mating. Platypus are a near-threatened species. Conserving their habitat is vital. Yet they do survive in altered waterways, like the Bega Valley one shown in the video. I hope you like the folk music on the soundtrack too.

Feel free to share the link if you wish.

PS I am aware that some of you have already viewed the video, thanks!

由使用者 matthewlh matthewlh2022年09月07日 22:17 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
