Over and Out

Over and Out
Outramps CREW Diaries
4th Decmber 2018

Grootbos Nature Reserve
Earlier in the year I did some Phylica id’s for Grootbos Nature Reserve near Gansbaai. A couple of weeks back, I had the privilege of spending some time exploring the reserve with Rebecca Dames, a young environmentalist full of infectious enthusiasm. We explored the various habitats including Table Mountain Sandstone, Agulhas Sand, Elim Ferricrete and (sand over) limestone.

Noteworthy species include:
Muraltia gillettiae (EN - New to Reserve - range extension for a very localised species)
Diosma passerinoides (VULN- New to Reserve - range extension)
Diosma awilana - (EN - Very range restricted - 19km2)
Orthochilus litoralis - previously Eulophia - (EN and Rare)
Disa lugens lugens (VUL)

Other Agulhas Plain species such as:
Phylica disticha
Muraltia salsolacea
Muraltia filiformis
Adenandra viscida
Agathosma imbricata

Grootbos is a real botanical treasure trove and the achievements of the Grootbos Foundation with setting up conservancies, community projects and research projects are very impressive. See

Dave Underwood aka Onderbos

Gouritsmond Conservation Trust maintains four hiking trails around the village. Their Plant- & Hiking Trail Guide lists 92 plants*. Current chair Isabel Swart asked if we could help identify plants on one of the hiking trails, in order for them to spruce up the signage.

Seven Outramps arrive at her home in the small seaside village. To create a good impression, we decide that Jenny should enter first. As Sally said, she looked Black Friday spiffy. Turns out our apparel was not the issue, but serious concern about the apparent age of the Outramps and whether the uphills would be manageable! A bit of a chuckle, as the village commonage is as flat as flat can be!!

We meet Wilhelm Strumpher, his wife Pauline and Elbie Dickson-Clark at the end of Rivier Street, armed with alphabetical plant lists. Plants on the trail need numbers corresponding to the brochure’s plant list. Wilhelm was tasked to update the signage afterwards and two days later it was done! The path leads through thicket to the edge of the saltmarsh floodplain of the Gourits River.

As Outramps we tend to only take brief note of plants such as Searsia crenata, Azima tetracantha, Olea exasperata, Pterocelastrus tricuspidata, Cotyledon orbiculata, Roepera morgsana, Carissa bispinosa, Colpoon compressum, Pelargonium peltatum, Rhoicissus digitata. Not so now. Team Gouritsmond know what their plants look like; know the plants such as Bietou (Chrysanthemoides monilifera); the couple of tired looking Muir’s boegoe (Agathosma muirii VU) and are interested in them. They enjoy the taste of the Noem-noem berries, ask about the name Aambeibossie (Chironia baccifera) and why is a Kershout called a Kershout. Although impressed by our knowledge of the plants, they quickly discover we do not know all the plant names! We hesitate to commit to Oedera genistifolia.

As the path turns away from the river, there is yet another huge Soetdoring, Vachellia karroo. A river import from the Karoo perhaps? These trees are known to be indicators of underground water. It forms an out of place backdrop to one male and two female Droëvlaktetolbosse (Leucadendron galpinii VU), which in turn are squashed in from the front by an eager Wit melkhout, Sideroxylon inerme. When the locals learnt of the phenomenon of ‘Mannetjie’ and ‘Vroutjie’ plants, it generated great mirth and delight. The Droëvlaktetolbosse were looked at, marvelled at - same scenario a bit later with the Dekriet, Thamnochortus insignis! So much so that a photo of the tolbosse was posted on Facebook with pride and described as ‘kiertsregop’ …. all above board, I promise.

By now, age and uphills had become utterly irrelevant. Ditto the gobbledegook of botanical names for the four locals. They feel comfortable with the common names. So the Outramps abandon their ‘bekkige woordvoerder’. They botanise and she can honour the ‘gewone name’ in her mother tongue.

There was a brief stop at a bench next to a deep well. Dug in 1960 to access water for cattle, the bricks are made of shell grit. Isabel could not wait to show off her Pokysterhout (Chionanthus foveolatus ssp. tomentellus). It is unusual and not seen often. Then there is a transition from thicket to fynbos. A lively ten cent bet followed on whether a plant was in fact a prosperous looking Renosterbos (Elytropappus rhinocerotis), or not. It turns out to be an Ertjie, Aspalathus odontoloba (EN). A swift name upgrade to Tiensent-Ertjie followed! There was a generous stand of these plants, looking much better than any of the Renosterbos.

Other interesting plants seen: Aspalathus spinosa ssp. spinosa, Volstruisnek (Euphorbia clandestina), Trachyandra jacquiniana, Albertinia boegoe (Euchaetis albertiniana EN), Klein suurvy (Carpobrotus muirii NT) and the best looking plant by far, the Branddoring (Putterlickia pyracantha) which was covered in flowers.

Overall we saw an overgrown mix of Fynbos and thicket in the Albertinia Sand Fynbos. It is very, very dry and there is substantial fuel load of dead woody plant matter. As fire-spooked Garden Routers we pointed this out to them. They are aware of the fire risk. The hike was litter free and apart from less than a handful of Rooipitjie (Acacia cyclops with biocontrol present), Port Jackson (Acacia saligna) and Manatoka (Myoporum tenuifolium) close to the end. We really were impressed! This community takes pride in their environment and their custodianship is obvious. How we wish to see more of this on our lowlands!

The short walk took a long time. Not the usual CREW field trip. The other Outramps were waiting on the steps at Isabel’s home where she served tea and coffee. We ask her about the Cullumia (Steekhaarbos). We all think that it is C. carlinoides but it is said to be an undescribed species on the brochure. A few days later Isabel and Ds Franzsen confirm that it is indeed a new species. *Original contributors to the ‘Gouritsmond Conservation Trust Plant- & Hiking Trail Guide’ are Dr. AnneLise Schutte-Vlok, Jan Vlok, Arné Purves, Charlie Rabbets and Pieter Franzsen.
Go to: https://www.inaturalist.org/places/the-gouritsmond-commonage to view some of the plants recorded by the Outramps.


Banghoek Peak
Of all the flora in fynbos, there is none that embodies the joy of mountain climbing and "plant hunting" more so than Protea rupicola. It's never easy to find and almost always clings to rocks at high altitude. So naturally, we have explored all the highest peaks in Jonkershoek in the hopes of finding some!

The historical records mention that Protea rupicola grows on Pieke (which I've been up at least four times in the past year or two) and Rifberg (which I've been up twice recently), but I've never had any luck. Thankfully, Banghoek Peak proved more fruitful, even if we could only find one plant on a rocky ledge. This was not for a lack of trying! Nevertheless, it is always special to snap a photo of this plant from up high, with the rest of the world in the background, way down below. We also had a first sighting of Spatalla setacea, while Erica viscaria subsp. longiflora, Erica ventricosa and Edmondia pinifolia made sure we got a grand floral display!

Turret Peak
On the weekend of the 24th of November, Werner, myself, Willie (Magriet's brother) and Wikus (Magriet's other brother) drove to the Kouebokkeveld and spent a night under Turret Peak. It's a rocky landscape and reminds me of the Cederberg, with it's rocky arches, hollows and caves. We were treated to large clonal populations of Gladiolus cylindraceus, as well as spotting Kumara haemanthifolia and the stunning Pelargonium alpinum. We may also have seen Spatalla tulbaghensis (Endangered), but Tony Rebelo is still sceptical of his ID and a follow up trip is required to obtain plant material

I'll be back in George early next week and I'm buzzing with excitement!

Magriet is an active iNatter, whose dominant interest is Caterpillars. Her brother Willie is one of Peter's Masters supervisors at Stellenbosch. Peter is working on Artificial Intelligence and Protea recognition - ed

The Whale Trail November 2018
Ten years after first trying to do the whale trail,which was cancelled at the last moment due to flooding, I at last got to fulfill my dream. Now much older and less fit,I was thrilled to be doing it with my sister from the UK and her two friends.

As you all know, it is a spectacular hike with plenty of interesting plants to keep one excited. Day one and two were long and tough and led to blisters all over my feet. My boots took the blame and at the last hut they got ditched in the bin after a suitable funeral! I am now the proud owner of my first Merrills.

Plant wise there were plenty of unknown Serrurias ,I think Serruria fasciflora (NT) was one of them. Syncarpha vestita was a sight for sore eyes,especially as it was misty giving the mountain an eerie feel. Protea cynaroides was in magnificent bud - one had 9 buds on it! Lobelia valida (Vulnerable) was striking.

The accommodation was excellent. For those of us oldies that know the old style hut, this was luxury indeed. We were lucky enough to see a few whales with babies, but the season is really over. A disparate group of people ,not really knowing each other, came together so well and by the end of the trip everyone was sharing first aid equipment for all the ailments.

At the debriefing by the tourism chap, we were told the trail is being closed from Jan to Aug for much needed maintenance. Any ideas of hiking it next year are out.

So sunburnt, battered and bruised, our whale trail ended with everyone very happy to have done it.


A Positive Verge
Tug here, pull there. What we say and do affect us and everything around us. This year Mossel Bay’s Marine Month celebration was an ironic (or rather oxymoronic?) focus on beach litter and waste disposal. The analysis of beach rubbish collected during International Coastal Clean-Up Day in September on fifteen beaches between Wilderness and Gourits makes one weep. Rubbish away from the coast is as detrimental as that along the coast and in our oceans.

Recycling is not the ultimate answer. When it comes to acquiring and discarding the stuff we bring into our lives we always have a choice. Where does it end up? Will it decompose? If not essential, refuse to take it in. One’s gift to the earth can be to become ‘unstuffy’!

All plastics and single-use plastics have become an environmental disaster. Change habits and make an incremental difference. Take-away coffee cups have a plastic liner. We love giving. Harness your creative genius to gift ánd wrap with a thoughtful heart from now on, that beautiful gift wrap is not recyclable!!! In case you are running short on ideas in this department ask me! Good luck with finding a non-harmful way to turf those toxic cigarette butts.

Bleak and depressing, for sure! We have to believe that this awful mess can be turned around. Cape Town showed how incremental steps can add up to make a difference when there is a will.

A leap to the positive side is the VERGE Art for Species movement. Art bundles together more than what can be said. The artists speak for the species on the brink and I found bullets of concentrated energy in their work. Somehow it touches on a spiritual level and I am finding that hard to describe. But that energy is good, it is working and potentially powerful. I am grateful for it and I believe in it.
Be safe, be happy, be blessed – and… be unstuffy ;-)


Eseljacht met die Jongspan
A few weeks ago, SIM visited Eseljagt in the Langkloof. On that occasion, Dave and Evie found an unknown Psoralea near the top of the ridge. Much lower down in a dry watercourse, Nicky and Rusell saw the same plant. Mr Fab (Brian) was consulted and he thought it might be a new species.

Last week Brian and colleague Staci Warrington,came up to George and the area beyond Plett to collect Rhizobia from Psoralea affinis. Brian is doing his Masters on a revision of Polhllia and Staci's Masters involves comparing various Rhizobia on Psoralea affinis and some Acacias, with the plants of the same name that are causing problems in Australia. They are both studying at Stellenbosch University. Rhizobia are bacteria that fix nitrogen (diazotrophs) after becoming established inside root nodules of legumes (Fabaceae).

Having achieved their goals and done their collections in the pouring rain, Brian took time out to have a look at the Psoralea at Eseljacht. I led them astray initially, but we eventually found the watercourse. Sandra had the foresight to bring along Nicky's iNat co-ords, which pinpointed the locality. They managed to find 2 flowers and plenty of seed.

It was a freezing cold day with a very chilly wind, but as always, we had our rewards. We found a new location for Pteronia hutchinsoniana (Rare), Dianthus bolusii was gorgeous in pink and a delicate Tritonia pallida made it's unexpected appearance sporadically. Sandra and I very much enjoyed being out in the veld with the young. Their passion and enthusiasm bodes well for the future of our beloved plants.

Baie dankie Dewald for making us so welcome on your farm. We will be back.

A rather plaintive afterthought - The Psoraleas that grow on the banks of the Silver River on the Strawberry Hill Fern Trail must be suffering from an identity crisis. In 1970 they were called Psoralea pinnata, then affinis, then montana and finally they are id'd as arborea. Heilige Makriel!

From VERGE Art Exhibition
The ‘poem’ below was written for the context of this show (Rivers_Study). In it I describe my belief that rivers are not an ‘it’ of nature, but a type of nature consciousness, a species in themselves. The work is part of an ongoing study of rivers.

Rivers are not a species
but they may as well be
they are types of biomes
kinds of ecologies
a sort of life-giving thing.
Rivers are not species
but sustain every other type of species
-millions trillions-
they runoff from the mountain towers
and flow as veins of the planet.
Rivers are not species
but they are lost
to canals, dams, silt, dredging,
degraded, covered up, used up,
they carry the waste of
the human species.
Rivers are not species
but cannot be untangled from the species
that seems determined to destroy them
forget their names
enforce their anonymity.
Rivers are not species
to name and say
back into being
VERGE artist feature: Gwendolyn Meyer

Gwendolyn Meyer is an artist working in photography, on paper, with land art, curating, writing and co-creating participatory knowledge processes. Since completing a MPhil in Sustainable Development she has increasingly explored the visual as a form and platform, to consider ideas about human nature and participation in change at this planetary turning point. She locates her work in the Transdisciplinary move to transform how humans interact and frame their place within nature. She has a long standing interest in how rivers connect people to place.


These are the names of Cape Town Rivers. Many of them do not appear on urban maps, and maps are not all in agreement about some of the names and locations. Nevertheless, after some research this is my best rendition of Cape Town’s many fresh water flows. By naming them I bring them into being in my own understanding of Cape Town’s geography. The two titles reflect the ocean that the rivers flow into.

Over and Out
On Friday, the Outramps will be celebrating a very successful year hunting for Rare and Endangered Plants in the Southern Cape and elsewhere. Devastating fires again caused havoc in the area with some tragic loss of life and damage to property. On the other hand, the Fynbos reveled in it and the good rains that followed soon after will ensure a magnificent display in the weeks to come. There will be a huge amount of post-burn monitoring to be done in 2019. The Outramps CREW Group will certainly not be short of work.

Our High Altitude Team (HAT) are going to explore Blesberg In the Swartberg on the 5/6th December. This trip will be led by Dave Underwood. This area is teeming with Rares, so should produce some exciting results.

An early walk around the Fern Trail on Friday 7th will be followed by lunch at Strawberry Hill to celebrate our year. Although we're officially closing, there will be field trips to see some of the plants that inconveniently insist on flowering over Christmas and New Year. Our Diaries will re-commence on January 15th 2019.

We wish you a wonderful holiday season and a happy Christmas. Thank you to all of you who have contributed to a wonderful 2018. We are all looking forward to lots of exciting plants and experiences in 2019.
Hamba Kahle
Groete en dankie

Di Turner
Outramps CREW Group
Southern Cape

All id’s subject to confirmation by Doc Annelise and Jan Vlok, Steven Molteno, Dr Tony Rebelo, Nick Helme, Prof Charlie Stirton, Dr Robert Archer, Dr Robert McKenzie, Dr Ted Oliver, Dr Christopher Whitehouse, Adriaan Grobler, Prix Burgoyne, Dr Kenneth Oberlander, Dr Pieter Winter, Dr David Gwynne-Evans and Mattmatt on iNat. Thank you all for your ongoing help and support.

Outramps Places on iNaturalist – You can browse through the observations or refer to the checklist which is in alphabetical order eg. Animals, birds etc.
Cola Conservancy - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/cola-conservancy
Dune Molerat Trail - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/dune-molerat-trails
Featherbed Nature Reserve - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/featherbed-nature-reserve
Gouriqua - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/gouriqua-private-nature-reserve
Gouritzmond - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/the-gouritsmond-commonage
Heaven in the Langkloof - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/heaven-in-the-langkloof
Herolds Bay - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/outramps-crew-herolds-bay
Kammanassie - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/outramps-crew-kammanassie-reserve
Klein Swartberg - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/klein-swartberg
Knysna - Westford Bridge https://www.inaturalist.org/places/westford-bridge-estate-knysna
Kouga Mountains Kliphuis - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/outramps-crew-kouga-mountains
Kranshoek - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/outramps-crew-kranshoek-
Langeberg Grootvadersbosch - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/grootvadersbosch-nature-reserve
Masons Rust - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/masons-rust-32-ptn-4-gezwinds-kraal-41-ptn-0
Mons Ruber and surrounds - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/mons-ruber-and-surrounds
Mossel Bay Aalwyndal - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/aalwyndal
Mossel Bay Diosma Reserve - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/diosma-reserve
Mossel Bay - :https://www.inaturalist.org/places/hartenbos-heuwels

Mossel Bay - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/erf-14072
Mossel Bay - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/erf-19201
Mossel Bay St Blaize Trail - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/st-blaize-trail
Natures Valley - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/nature-s-valley-south-cape-south-africa#page=2
Outeniquas Bobbejaanberg - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/outramps-crew-bobbejanberg-in-the-outeniquas
Outeniquas Camferskloof - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/outramps-crew-camferskloof
Outeniquas Doringrivier East - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/outramps-crew-doringrivier-east-in-the-outeniquas
Outeniquas East - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/outramps-crew-eastern-outeniquas-from-bergplaas-to-gouna
Outeniquas Eseljagt - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/ezeljagt-eseljagt-and-surrounds
Outeniquas Eseljagtpoort - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/ezeljagts-poort-72-ptn-0-eseljagt-poort
Outeniquas Flanagans Rock - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/flanagans-rock-rsa
Outeniquas Lange Berg - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/lange-berg-112
Outeniquas Paardekop - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/paardekop-13
Outeniquas Paardepoort East - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/outramps-crew-paardepoort-east
Outeniquas Paardepoort West - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/outramps-crew-paardepoort-west
Outeniquas Southern Traverse - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/outramps-crew-outeniqua-southern-traverse
Robberg Corridor - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/robberg-coastal-corridor-krans-hoek-432-ptn-5
Robberg Corridor - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/robberg-coastal-corridor-e8267c6b-9263-4a87-a721-a24619be6dc8
Rooiberg - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/outramps-crew-rooiberg-reserve
Spioenkop - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/ruigtevlei-plantations
Strawberry Hill - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/strawberry-hill-7-passes-road-wilderness-south-africa
Swartberg Spitskop - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/outramps-crew-spitskop-to-meiringspoort-swartberg
Swartberg Waboomsberg - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/waboomsberg-in-the-swartberg
Uitzicht Portion 39 - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/uitzigt-216-portion-39
Uitzicht - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/uitzigt-216-ptn-65
Western Head - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/walker-s-point-215-portion-1-buffalo-bay
Western Head – https://www.inaturalist.org/places/walker-s-point-215-portion-2-buffalo-bay
Western Head - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/walker-s-point-215-portion-3-buffalo-bay
Western Head - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/western-head-knysna
White Heather - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/white-heather
Wilderness Brown Hooded Kingfisher Trail – https://www.inaturalist.org/places/brown-hooded-kingfisher-trail
Wilderness Kingfisher Trail - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/kingfisher-trails
Witteberg Kromme Rivier - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/kromme-rivier-72-ptn-0-willowmore

Outramps CREW Stellenbosch HAT node
Jonkershoek created by Vynbos - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/jonkershoek-cv
Mont Rochelle Nature Reserve - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/mont-rochelle-nature-reserve
Papegaaiberg - https://www.inaturalist.org/places/papegaaiberg

Outramps Projects on iNaturalist
Lianes and Creepers in the Southern Cape and Little Karoo - https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/lianes-and-creepers-of-the-southern-cape-and-little-karoo

Veg Types of South Africa - https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/vegetation-types-of-south-africa

Abbreviations Glossary

MCSA – Mountain Club of South Africa
MSB - Millenium Seed Bank based at Kew in the UK
WIP – Work in Progress
HAT – High Altitude Team
LOT – Lowland Team
SIM – Somewhere in the Middle Team
WAGS – Wednesday Adventure Group
VB – Vlok Boekie “Plants of the Klein Karoo” and our Plant Bible
ITRTOL – Another thread “In The Rich Tapestry Of Life”(It describes a challenging situation, usually to do with the Buchu Bus)
ITFOT – In the fullness of time
WOESS – Fair Weather Hiker
FMC and JW – too vulgar to translate, but the equivalent is “Strike me Dead” - An expression of surprise and delight on finding a new “Rare”
Kambro – same as above
Fossick – A meter per minute, scratching around looking for rares
SIDB – Skrop in die Bos – Another name for a field trip, this one coined by Prix
BAFFING – Running round like a blue-arsed fly
SYT – Sweet Young Thing - Anyone under the age of 40
TOMB – Get a move on
Mayhem - Needless or willful damage or violence
SESKRYNG – “Sit en staan kry niks gedaan” ,with thanks to Brian
SOS – Skelms on Scramblers
FW – Idiot
BOB – Another name for the Buchu Bus when she’s misbehaving.
CRAFT – A symptom of Old Age
DDD - Metalasia tricolor (Damned Diabolical Daisy)
VP – Vrekplek – Retirement Village
Qàq – Self-explanatory Inuit word describing some of our local problems
Mr Fab – Our Fabaceae specialist, Brian Du Preez – originally Boy 1
Muisvoel -The Mathematician – Peter Thompson
Boy 2 – Kyle Underwood who works on Orchids and is still at school
Sharkie – Finn Rautenbach – Our latest SYT is a surfer in his spare time and is now the Curator of the Garden Route Botanical Garden
Sicko – Someone who suffers from Car Sickness. With 4 in the Group, allocating seating in the Buchu Bus is tricky
VAG – Virgin Active Garage, which is our meeting place when we head north
MATMUE – Meet At The Mall Under E - Meeting place when we head West
WG – Waves Garage in Wilderness East. - Meeting place when we’re going east.
VU- Vulnerable
DDT – Data Deficient and Taxonomically ?
NT – Near Threatened
EN – Endangered
CR – Critically Endangered
PE – Presumed extinct
LC – Least Concern
TBC – To be Confirmed
TLC – Tender loving care
JMS – An expression of absolute disdain
FOMO – Fear of Missing Out
Milk – the fruit of the vine
Condensed Milk – Scotland’s finest export
Full Cream Milk or Fat Milk – Any product of Humulus lupulus eg. Milk Stout
Milk of the Gods – Rooibos and Brandy
Milk Shake - Sparkling Wine
NS – Species of conservation concern new to the Outramps
PS -Priority Species allocated to the Outramps by our CREW Cape Co-ordinator , Ismail Ebrahim
iNatFD – iNaturalist for Dummies as compiled by Sally
Mizzle – Mist and drizzle combined. A regular feature of George in the ”good old days”.
FE – Fire Ephemeral – only appears immediately or after a couple of years after fire
Squirrel – aka President Ramaphosa
WOG – Wrath of God – eg. incurred when you put a young Pine tree on iNat as Leucadendron album
Skedonk - A banger - old, battered motor car more than 30 years old
Hoedown - redneck gathering, usually involves shouting catchy phrases like "yee-haw" and "the south will rise again"
VHF - Vat Hom Fluffie - our nickname for furry or woolly plants
SA - "Stay Attractive is Google's translation of "Mooi Bly"
OTL - Out To Lunch is used to describe the Buchu Bus when she's taking a break after she's behaved badly

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