期刊歸檔用於 2018年8月


LLL prescribed burn- 1 week post burn

See my previous post for details about the actual burn.

In the week since the burn we had two 0.04 inch rain events. It wasn't really enough moisture to trigger regrowth, but little is better than none I guess.

Today's walk through the burn unit produced 8 different wildlife species including 2 American kestrals, 2 Swainson's hawks, 3 to 5 jackrabbits, 2 cottontails, 8 dove (both mourning and white winged), 3-5 western kingbirds.


It is interesting to see the trails from animals

It is obvious that despite little moisture and regrowth, wildlife are continuing to use the area.

I think my next update for this burn unit will be at ~ 1 month.

I did see a hispid cotton rat outside of the burn unit. Their population has crashed here in the last year, so it is notable.

由使用者 rowdius rowdius2018年08月01日 18:18 所貼文 | 9 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


LLL prescribed burn- One month post burn

It's been a dry month; however, we did get 0.99 in spread out over three days last week. It doesn't make up for the hole we're in, but it is enough to start to see some response on the burn unit.

Late summer fires tend to promote forb growth, and suppress warm season grasses to a certain extent. This is because warm season grasses have just poured a tremendous amount of energy into reproduction (flower and seed growth) and removing the energy collection portions of the plant (the leaves) doesn't allow the plant to store much energy for winter, and thus, next spring's growth. We burned in late July, so while warm season grasses might take a slight hit, there should be a good balance between forbs and grass regeneration.


Still doesn't look like much response from the photo points, but that spot is at the highest elevation, and some of the poorest soil. If you look closely, you can see some forbs.

Grass regrowth

Scarlet globemallow ( Sphaeralcea coccinea) responding


Fire is part of what kept mesquite density low on the Llano Estacado. Regular fire supresses and can kill mesquite; however, mesquite older than about three years, resprout mesquite, and mesquite that has had its bud zone buried is largely immune to normal fire.

Looks dead

Look closer:

It is already resprouting.

We set back quite a bit mesquite on this fire, but it had been seven years since the last fire in this pasture. So, some of it escaped death.

There are also some new mesquite sprouts showing up after the rain. This is too be expected; fire is not a one time use thing (no management tool is for that matter).

There were quite a few other forbs beginning to emerge. I couldn't identify all of them, but buffalo gourd, scarlet globe mallow, ragweed, , silverleaf nightshade and several others were coming up. If we get our fall rain, it should really take off before winter.

Speaking of taking off, I'm about to hit the busy part of my year, so I probably will not update the post fire monitoring until winter, and then perhaps once spring green-up begins.

由使用者 rowdius rowdius2018年08月22日 21:55 所貼文 | 35 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Impromptu Trip

It's not that I do not love my job. I do. I get paid to write, to research, to learn, and more. But, some days while driving to work I get the urge to just see some country.

This was one of those days.

~130 miles. My first goal was to see some country off the Llano for a little while. After that, each turn was random.

Unfortunately, the North Fork of the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos turned me back at one point:

I was hoping for some horned lizards, but no such luck.

3 American kestrels (only two with photos though)
3 Swainson's hawks
dung beetles
2 loggerhead shrikes (only able to photograph one)
1 group of blue grosbeaks that wouldn't cooperate for good photos
1 DOR C. atrox
1 DOR bullsnake

It probably seems silly to go through the effort to add a map, but I'm trying to keep a better record of effort and how far afield I'm going, so it works for me.

由使用者 rowdius rowdius2018年08月23日 19:17 所貼文 | 14 個觀察記錄 | 1 評論 | 留下評論


IPS Trip 2

Made it over to the northwest side of the Llano Estacado today.

There's some good country in there, but you have to drive through a lot of cotton and corn to get to it. Missed my chance at a good C. viridis photo, but couldn't be helped.

I found some photo locations I need to revisit at magic hour. It may lead to the book cover photo I need.

由使用者 rowdius rowdius2018年08月25日 23:38 所貼文 | 22 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Dunbar Lake Uplands

I had an hour to bum around this morning, and wasn't sure where to go, but noticed the uplands around Canyon Lake 6 isn't getting enough observation love.

I wish I could have spent more time there today.

由使用者 rowdius rowdius2018年08月27日 20:33 所貼文 | 36 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Dunbar Uplands II

I've been sick the past few days, but had to get out of the house. So, I hacked and coughed my way around some more of the uplands just north of Canyon Lake 6.

2018-08-30 Dunbaruplands

This area is pretty typical of the other rocky feral areas of Yellowhouse canyon. The city's mowers can't mow them down, so lots of endemic prairie species for both the Llano Estacado and the Rolling Plains are able to exist. Sideoats grama, blue grama, hairy grama, and (I think) black grama all have a presence. I haven't seen any little bluestem yet, but it wouldn't surprise me. I was surprised by some sand sagebrush today. Just a tiny pocket of sandier soil up top in a spot.

Of course, there is bad with the good. The dominate tree is Siberian elm, and both kochia and russian thistle have a strong foothold.

I've secretly hoped to see a tiny horned lizard this week. There are enough harvester ants, and there are enough observations in other places across town that I suspect they are there, I've just not been lucky yet

I would like to see the City of Lubbock commit to restoring some native prairie. What little feral park land Lubbock has is steadily decreasing while things like disc golf courses increase. Amid all of the various sports complexes and courses, Lubbock does not maintain any native prairie that is open to the public.

Lubbock Lank Landmark is a jewel, but it isn't city owned or maintained. Lubbock should seek to emulate the success of the restoration at LLL somewhere else in the city. One suggestion might be the city owned land between Hell's gate and the loop. Take everything between those two points and north of the creek and it would be ~100 acres that is crying out for restoration.

Currently that land is open for public use and features bike trails. Restoring the landscape to native prairie would allow the bike trails to remain while adding better scenery, possible interpretive uses, and improve the ecosystem services that bit of land could provide. Once the restoration was complete, maintenance costs would be low.

There might be other areas in the city that would be suitable, this is just one example.

lubbock native praire park

I would also suggest the creation of a Natural Resources Manager/urban biologist position in the City of Lubbock who would be tasked with being the land steward for this new native prairie park as well as seeking innovative ways to increase biodiversity in all of the existing parks and promote nature.

Just daydreaming while being sick.

由使用者 rowdius rowdius2018年08月30日 18:29 所貼文 | 35 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
