期刊歸檔用於 2024年7月


Mammoth Cave Wandering Woods Life Survey

On July 6, 2024, John Zippay and I joined Steve and Janet Kistler; Carol Friedman (aka Muz); Neil Troyer; Kevin Burt and Tricia Sepulveda at Mammoth Cave National Park for a Nature walk and life survey. The survey was a 2.7 mile loop in Wandering Woods. There were numerous plants; insects and birds observed but not photographed and thus not part of the photo portion of this journal. Thirty Eight (38] species of birds were observed or heard by the group. A big thanks to Steve for keeping and generating an eBird list: https://ebird.org/checklist/S185957376 . The group also observed nineteen (19) species of butterflies. A big thanks to Neil for keeping a list which includes:
Tiger Swallowtail
Red-spotted Purple
Eastern-tailed Blue
Wild Indigo Duskywing
Pipevine Swallowtail
Silver-spotted Skipper
Bell's Roadside Skipper (rare in this area)
Silvery Checkerspot
Cabbage White
Great Spangled Fritillary
Red Admiral
Question Mark
Spicebush Swallowtail
Clouded Sulfer
Little Yellow
Sleepy Orange
American Snout
Hoary Edge
Finally, there were an overwhelming number of plants observed and identified, many more than are contained in the photo portion of this journal.

由使用者 rshive rshive2024年07月08日 08:06 所貼文 | 39 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論