City Nature Challenge 2018! April 27-30

Hi everyone,

It's back! The City Nature Challenge is on again, this year from April 27-30. It started off in 2016 as San Francisco vs. Los Angeles, last year it was between 16 cities in the US, and this year there are over 50 cities around the world competing! You can see who's participating this year & read more about the challenge at the City Nature Challenge website.

The timeline for the City Nature Challenge is:
April 27-30: Making observations. The project won't accept any observations made before 12:00am on April 27 or made after 11:59pm on April 30.
May 1-3: Getting everything uploaded and identified! As long as the observations were made in the April 27-30 time frame, you can still upload them afterward. Also, the more observations we get identified to species, the higher our species count will be!
May 4: Results announced!

The "big 3" stats that we look at for the City Nature Challenge are (1) number of observations, (2) number of species, and (3) number of people who participated. This year we'll also be putting more emphasis on those numbers with verifiable (not captive/cultivated, and has media) observations.

Here's the SF Bay Area City Nature Challenge 2018 iNaturalist project

I'm tagging you in this journal post because you're one of the top observers and/or identifiers in the San Francisco Bay Area recently, and we'd love your help with the City Nature Challenge! All nine counties that touch SF Bay are fair game for the CNC, and we need folks out there making observations, finding species, and helping to ID the observations coming in. There will also be quite a few bioblitz events being held around the Bay Area that weekend - I'll post them to the SF Bay Area CNC iNat project once they're confirmed. We've also started a list of places in the Bay Area that should definitely be iNatted, due to their high biodiversity and/or unique species. You can see the list, put yourself down for going to a spot during CNC (and maybe find others who want to go with you), or add more places here. There will also be a couple "ID Parties" happening May 1-3, we'll post them looking for people to attend once they're scheduled.

Thanks in advance for your help with the City Nature Challenge! We hope the San Francisco Bay Area wins, but no matter what, we always want to beat LA!

Feel free to write comments & tag others you'd like to see this!

@adrained @aguilita @al_kordesch @alan_rockefeller @alexshepard @aliashraf @alice_abela @allisonjgong @alsholtz @andrewcore @annie33 @anudibranchmom @arnel @asemerdj @avocat @ayedee @barbararice @barry_thomson @biohexx1 @birdgal5 @bluevalhalla @borisb @boschniakia @c_michael_hogan @cae1 @calebcam @catchang @cedric_lee @charley @chloejreid @chris_nelson @cjs041 @clarkia11 @clem @coffearobusta42 @constance @cordulegaster58obliqua @cypseloides @d_kluza @damontighe @dannym @darinjm7 @datnatureguy @dave-barry @dgreenberger @diego4nature @direbecca @djm @dominic @dpom @dsacer @dshell @eddiebug @edoswalt @edwardrooks @eknuth @else @ericsimons @ericwilliams @ezeemonee @farinosa @fher @fogartyf @geodani @glmory @graysquirrel @greglasley @grnleaf @gyrrlfalcon @hfabian @hfb @icosahedron @j-southworth @jbroadhead @jimjohnson @jlmartin @jmaughn @joelle @joergmlpts @john8 @johnascher @johnplischke @joshuabobcatstacy @joshuagsmith @julie_sf @k8thegr8 @kathawk @keithghostwatcherjohnson @kellykrechmer @kestrel @kevinhintsa @kittyoneil @kschnei @kueda @leftcoastnaturalist @lemurdillo @lenaz @leptonia @leslie_flint @lgottlieb @libbing_life @lisa_bennett @loarie @lonnyholmes @lorri-gong @lsauma @maractwin @marinmaverick @marionanoiram @mazer @mcduck @merav @metsa @mikhael @mizgreenejeans @morgancantrell @mpkw @mrchasse @natbat @naturechris @nelruzam @newtpatrol @nicolas_forestell @nlblock @npdoty @ocean_beach_goth @oddirt @paloma @pbrastow @pdvmushroom @philwarren @pisasterpursuer @pliffgrieff @pocketmouse @ppauchnick @psweet @raphaela_fb @raulagrait @rebeccafay @rhislop @rhole @richardwasson @ripple @robberfly @ross2 @rudyard @sambiology @sciencebabe @sdash @sea-kangaroo @sganley @silversea_starsong @slloyd @snickelfritz76 @stuartrichardson @studentlc @susanhewitt @suzm @suzrj @tahil @tanacitafolia @tcurtis @terrydad2 @th0th @thefruithunter @tigerbb @tiwane @tkoffel @tlaloc27 @tomv @tonicorelli2 @truthseqr @utopia4sharing @vermfly @vicfazio3 @wildmarin @wooac @wyattherp @xyz

由使用者 kestrel kestrel2018年02月07日 19:45 所貼文


I'm stoked for this. I'm going to try to organize a field trip with the Central Valley Bird Club to encourage members to use iNaturalist and cover the Vaca Mountains. I'm curious about how to increase our totals the most. Obviously getting more participants and covering areas that received little or no coverage in previous years will do the most but I've also been thinking about taxa that have been ignored. Fish seem way underrepresented. We had 43 species of mammals but only 17 species of fish. It seems in an area with oceans, bays, freshwater, and brackish habitats the diversity of fish has to be much much higher.

發佈由 vermfly 超過 6 年 前

I was also thinking about how to exploit the water! (Go pester fishermen and skin divers? Take up tenkara?) I was considering scuba, and looks like San Mateo County coast is too iffy, but there are apparently a bunch of sites in Sonoma! Anyone have experience there?

發佈由 sea-kangaroo 超過 6 年 前

Ah, you've added a Maine interloper to your conversation! We may be a small state with a small population, but we have big ambitions - we want to beat a city! ;-) Thanks for including me in this post, Alison. You're inspiring me...

City Nature Challenge - the super bowl (the superb owl?) of naturalists!

發佈由 gbh 超過 6 年 前

@sea-kangaroo Last year I added white sturgeon by asking a fisherman about their catch. They let me take a picture of what they hauled in. Unfortunately they only had one sturgeon. I was checking the piers off Benecia for fisherman but it was the Friday and not many people were around.

發佈由 vermfly 超過 6 年 前

@gbh welcome! I'm excited to see what comes in from Portland & Bangor this year for their first time in the City Nature Challenge! @sea-kangaroo & @vermfly I know Salt Point & Stillwater are dive sites, but I don't personally know anyone who dives there - and I think most people dive it in the summer/fall when it's calmer. Maybe we should talk to David Lang of OpenROV ( - he's donating a bunch of ROVs to the California MPA Collaboratives, maybe he has one he's willing to have used for the City Nature Challenge? If we can think about a good spot to launch it where we think we'd get good diversity, we could make the ask...

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前

Is anyone plugged into the SF Bay or San Mateo coast fishing communities? A bit of outreach on Facebook groups or listservs in the area to get some fisherman taking pictures of their catches that weekend could be super useful to upping the fish count. I'll poke around Facebook groups a bit and see if I can find something.

發佈由 vermfly 超過 6 年 前

Hi all - I know it's far afield for many of you, but I'm hoping to lead a little expedition to the Knoxville Wildlife Area ( probably either on the Friday or Monday of the City Nature Challenge (Apr. 27-30). There are two spots I particularly love there: (1) a serpentine hillside right off the road that burned a few years ago in the Lake County fires and has had amazing wildflowers the past couple years, and (2) Zim Zim Valley, which has wonderful butterflies and wildflowers in the spring and leads to Zim Zim Falls ( Here are my species/observations from a few trips up there:

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前

Realizing that some people aren't getting notifications through mentions in journal posts, so putting everyone in a comment too - let's get some planning for the City Nature Challenge going!: @adrained @aguilita @al_kordesch @alan_rockefeller @alexshepard @aliashraf @alice_abela @allisonjgong @alsholtz @andrewcore @annie33 @anudibranchmom @arnel @asemerdj @avocat @ayedee @barbararice @barry_thomson @biohexx1 @birdgal5 @bluevalhalla @borisb @boschniakia @c_michael_hogan @cae1 @calebcam @catchang @cedric_lee @charley @chloejreid @chris_nelson @cjs041 @clarkia11 @clem @coffearobusta42 @constance @cordulegaster58obliqua @cypseloides @d_kluza @damontighe @dannym @darinjm7 @datnatureguy @dave-barry @dgreenberger @diego4nature @direbecca @djm @dominic @dpom @dsacer @dshell @eddiebug @edoswalt @edwardrooks @eknuth @else @ericsimons @ericwilliams @ezeemonee @farinosa @fher @fogartyf @geodani @glmory @graysquirrel @greglasley @grnleaf @gyrrlfalcon @hfabian @hfb @icosahedron @j-southworth @jbroadhead @jimjohnson @jlmartin @jmaughn @joelle @joergmlpts @john8 @johnascher @johnplischke @joshuabobcatstacy @joshuagsmith @julie_sf @k8thegr8 @kathawk @keithghostwatcherjohnson @kellykrechmer @kestrel @kevinhintsa @kittyoneil @kschnei @kueda @leftcoastnaturalist @lemurdillo @lenaz @leptonia @leslie_flint @lgottlieb @libbing_life @lisa_bennett @loarie @lonnyholmes @lorri-gong @lsauma @maractwin @marinmaverick @marionanoiram @mazer @mcduck @merav @metsa @mikhael @mizgreenejeans @morgancantrell @mpkw @mrchasse @natbat @naturechris @nelruzam @newtpatrol @nicolas_forestell @nlblock @npdoty @ocean_beach_goth @oddirt @paloma @pbrastow @pdvmushroom @philwarren @pisasterpursuer @pliffgrieff @pocketmouse @ppauchnick @psweet @raphaela_fb @raulagrait @rebeccafay @rhislop @rhole @richardwasson @ripple @robberfly @ross2 @rudyard @sambiology @sciencebabe @sdash @sea-kangaroo @sganley @silversea_starsong @slloyd @snickelfritz76 @stuartrichardson @studentlc @susanhewitt @suzm @suzrj @tahil @tanacitafolia @tcurtis @terrydad2 @th0th @thefruithunter @tigerbb @tiwane @tkoffel @tlaloc27 @tomv @tonicorelli2 @truthseqr @utopia4sharing @vermfly @vicfazio3 @wildmarin @wooac @wyattherp @xyz

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前

YES!!! Lets beat LA this time!! ;) I'll be looking forward to this! Also, it will be so great to get more observations from Calabar and Kuala Lumpur, this is awesome!!

發佈由 calebcam 超過 6 年 前

Sadly, this coincides with the Henry Coe State Park Backcountry Weekend -- the one weekend each year when you can car camp in the infrequently-visited southern part of the park.

發佈由 dsacer 超過 6 年 前

Thanks for the heads up. Sadly I'm not in LA city anymore, but maybe I can arrange something.

發佈由 silversea_starsong 超過 6 年 前

Thanks for the heads up! I'll definitely see what I can do. :D

發佈由 graysquirrel 超過 6 年 前

Wish I were in California that weekend, but I'll make sure to keep up with IDing!
I'll see if I can spread it around through the folks at my old lab as well and see if they can't add some subtidal or fouling species.

發佈由 hfb 超過 6 年 前

It's on my calendar!!! Even though I live outside the boundary, I will try to make some day trips.

發佈由 birdgal5 超過 6 年 前

What I'm disappointed about is the lack of ideal precipitation that has occurred this season in LA. The herbaceous annuals and other plant life that usually explodes at this time of year is encountering a very severe setback, and I look forward to seeing them every year. Got to act on it somehow :(

發佈由 diego4nature 超過 6 年 前

Wait, does anyone know if the LA boundary covers LA County, or just the City of LA?

發佈由 diego4nature 超過 6 年 前

@diego4nature Last year I believe it was just the city of LA (in 2016 it was the County). But I think SF used all neighbouring counties including SF.

發佈由 silversea_starsong 超過 6 年 前

Thank you, I just need to determine which spots I should hit to maximize the opportunities for my contribution to the CNC.

發佈由 diego4nature 超過 6 年 前

Ah man I love City Nature Challenge so much! Unfortunately, I can no longer participate as a member of the Bay Area since I moved to Arcata. Gotta get some North Coast Inat representation up here!

發佈由 nelruzam 超過 6 年 前

@silversea_starsong & @diego4nature the LA boundary should be all of LA county - it's stayed the same all three years, I believe.

@nelruzam - awww, too bad! Though I lived three years in Arcata and definitely appreciate the incredible wild places up there!

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前

Thank you for the clarification!

發佈由 diego4nature 超過 6 年 前

@dsacer I think Henry Coe is mostly in the zone for the event. Just take pictures of everything and bulk upload when you hit civilization.

發佈由 vermfly 超過 6 年 前

Thank you for the heads up. I will mark my calendar.

發佈由 richardwasson 超過 6 年 前

@vermfly the part of Henry Coe State Park easily accessed via the Bell Station entrance (six miles north of Highway 152) is pretty much all outside the zone for this event.

發佈由 dsacer 超過 6 年 前

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'll work on getting the word out.

發佈由 wyattherp 超過 6 年 前

I'm in. It's the Point Reyes Birding Festival that weekend so lots of iNaturalist folks will be out observing.

發佈由 lenaz 超過 6 年 前

@vermfly and @dsacer, Henry W. Coe State Park consists of 89,164-acre, much of it wilderness, spread over Santa Clara and Stanislaus Counties. Even if it doesn't all qualify for the City Nature Challenge event, it would still be great to add some observations from this beautiful, less frequently visited park! I backpacked there 40+ years ago and never saw another person after we had walked about a mile in from the parking lot.

發佈由 birdgal5 超過 6 年 前

@birdgal5 In the spring, it's a bit more visited than that now; there's often a crowd swimming at China Hole on warm spring days. Anything requiring a day's walk still gets almost no visitors though. Had an experience a few years back where I saw a colony of jackrabbits which behaved as if they had never seen a human. They hopped up to us and sniffed, as if plotting how to steal our supply of carrots.

I'll get what observations I can in this area.

發佈由 dsacer 超過 6 年 前

Sounds amazing @dsacer! Can't wait to see what you find.

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前

This looks like fun!

發佈由 alan_rockefeller 超過 6 年 前

Thanks for the invite, Kestrel, but alas, I don't live in or near SF. We do live 2 hours north,
and if that might help you, do let me know.

發佈由 suzrj 超過 6 年 前

@suzrj Sonoma County is one of the counties included in the event.

發佈由 vermfly 超過 6 年 前

Yes, I just found I'm IN...will do my best to help!!

發佈由 suzrj 超過 6 年 前

@suzrj I'm a Sonoma Co. resident myself - I'll be iNatting all around Sonoma (and beyond) those 4 days! All 9 counties that touch SF Bay are included in the City Nature Challenge, and I'd love to see representation from those "farther afield" places! :)

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前

I wish I could participate but I'm no longer in California unfortunately. I wish you all the best of luck and hope you all find very interesting flora and fauna and have a great time!

發佈由 dominic 超過 6 年 前

Yay! I was wondering when the next City Nature Challenge was. For fish, creel surveys are a good bet (look for fishermen on piers, docks, some shorelines). i wonder if anybody is planning any fish sampling then. These guys periodically beach seine at China Camp,

發佈由 coffearobusta42 超過 6 年 前

Maybe a good weekend to plan some bioblitzes in my burned parks.

發佈由 coffearobusta42 超過 6 年 前

@coffearobusta42 It would be so great to have some fire recovery bioblitzes! I bet there will be some interesting fire-followers blooming by then. That weekend (4/29) is also Dia Del Niño so there will be a good number of events happening in parks around the county - I've been talking with some of the organizers to see if they'd want to add a bioblitz or iNat component to any of the events.

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前

@coffearobusta42 I tried talking to fisherman last year but I had trouble finding any. I did add white sturgeon to the count by doing that.

發佈由 vermfly 超過 6 年 前

Thanks for the heads-up! Yes, fire recovery bioblitzes sound great! @coffearobusta42 @kestrel :)

發佈由 direbecca 超過 6 年 前

I don't suppose the Monterey Bay area is close enough to count as part of the SF Bay Area? It's not included on the map.

發佈由 allisonjgong 超過 6 年 前

@allisonjgong We've had repeated pleas to add Santa Cruz to the Bay Area CNC, but we've already got one of the biggest places of all the CNC participating cities. :) I keep advocating for a Monterey Bay Area City Nature Challenge!

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前

Hmmm. A Monterey Bay Area city challenge would, I suspect, be fun! Alas, I'm not the person to go about organizing it by myself, but if there were a group of MB folks who wanted to organize it for next year, I'd be glad to help out.

發佈由 allisonjgong 超過 6 年 前

@kestrel @direbecca State Parks is planning a Bioblitz for at Trione-Annadel on 4/27 - working on the details now. I'm thinking about working with Team Sugarloaf to make one happen there either Saturday or Sunday. I'm not sure about Robert Luis Stevenson but I may go there on my own.

發佈由 coffearobusta42 超過 6 年 前

Sugarloaf was one of my favorite places to find herps - but alas, it was burned (partially). Any hope for the herps there?

發佈由 calebcam 超過 6 年 前

These public fishing piers may give a good chance to capture fish:

I'll check with my old marine region coworkers from CDFW and see where the best commercial docks are. One good commercial dock might be pier 45 in SF though I'm not sure. Most of the commercial fishermen I dealt with in my DFG days were in southern California or Monterrey Bay.

Also, if anybody knows which marinas have charter sport fishing boats, those might be good places to hang out when the boats return.

Anybody know any CDFW CRFS samplers working that weekend? Get them to iNat!

發佈由 coffearobusta42 超過 6 年 前

@calebcam I'm sure there are still herps. The park was a mix of burn severities - some areas burned so lightly that moss still remains on trees and rocks. Also, there is a lot more refugia than most people realize - especially if you are small and can hide under logs, rocks, or burrow underground.

We're also participating in post-fire amphibian surveys at Ledson marsh in Annadel. From what I have seen there - many small critters survived. We are finding the usual cast of characters under logs and rock (treefrogs, newts, salamanders, mice, scorpions, etc). The marsh had lots of Cal Newt activity. With the current rains and warm temps, we are expecting more amphib activity. The real question post-fire, is not what survived the fire, but how does the ecology change and does that favor some species over others. For instance, I have heard that toads in the Sierras will move into areas that were burned - presumably to take advantage of the flush of new insects that in turn are taking advantage of a new flush of plant growth.

發佈由 coffearobusta42 超過 6 年 前

That is awesome, I didn't know they were so resistant to fires! Maybe I can check out how they are doing sometime this summer :)

發佈由 calebcam 超過 6 年 前

@coffearobusta42 Awesome to hear about the Annadel bioblitz! Can I advertise it as part of the City Nature Challenge? And let me know if you decide to do one at Sugarloaf - I'm talking the Master Naturalist class there on March 15 - all the students need to do projects so I'm happy to point them to the bioblitz to help with planning/leading/etc.

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前

@kestrel Let me confirm details for Annadel - I'm meeting with Sarah Reid, the volunteer coordinator out there today to work it out. I can let you know later today or this weekend.

That's great you are talking to the Master Naturalist class at Sugarlaof. Tony has asked me to present on the subject of citizen science. Though I think we should make you do it, ha ha. I just spoke with Caitlin Cornwall yesterday about monitoring and management concerns for Sugarloaf and how Sonoma Ecology Center may be able to help. I wonder if you and I should talk with Tony Passatino - let me shoot you both an email.

發佈由 coffearobusta42 超過 6 年 前

@coffearobusta42 - Hey Bill! I am very interested in joining you, both at Annadel and Sugarloaf. :) Please keep me in the loop for those two events. Thanks so much! Di

發佈由 direbecca 超過 6 年 前

Fun. I will do what I can - happens to coincide with the Point Reyes Birding Festival and I'll be leading one or two trips for that so I'll be out and about, though not focused on maxing out species counts of NBOs (non-bird objects).

發佈由 wildmarin 超過 6 年 前

Hi all,
I just added the list of events to the SF Bay CNC 2018 project:
There are still more events to be added - definitely join in on any that sound interesting to you, and please spread the word to others who may be interested as well!

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前

Also, @rebeccafay & I will be hosting an ID party the evening of 5/1 at Cal Academy - all of you are invited. We'll provide some food, you provide your knowledge for IDs so we can up our species number. :) We'll post a sign-up form early next week if you're interested!

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前

Hi all, here's the sign-up form for the ID party on 5/1 at the Academy:

We'd love to have you join us!

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前

BioBlitzing with fellow iNatters AND a chance to compete with LA? YAY!! ABSOLUTELY!! will participate and Help spread the word. Thanks for reaching out - did not know anything about this event until you tagged me.

發佈由 mizgreenejeans 超過 6 年 前

I'll be hiking Lobos Creek up to Rob Hill campground in the Presidio of SF with my second grade students on the 26th-and hiking back down to Baker Beach on the 27th- We are studying the native plants in class and they're going to be really excited to be able to post what they find on the 27th for the Nature Challenge- wonder if there are other teachers participating with classes?

發佈由 room206loboscreek 超過 6 年 前

@room206loboscreek So cool! I can't wait to see what they find!

I don't know personally know other teachers participating with their classes, but I do know it's happening, both in the Bay Area and in the other competing cities around the globe. I don't know if you've seen it already, but if it's useful to you, definitely check out our City Nature Challenge Educator Toolkit:

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前

Hi all,
Just wanted to invite folks on this thread to join us at Trione-Annadel or Sugarloaf Ridge State Parks for an invite-only/volunteer bioblitz. This is in addition to the public bioblitz on Saturday at Trione-Annadel.

Trione-Annadel: 4/27, 9 am to Noon
Meet at Lawndale parking lot. We'll do an in and out hike up Lawndale and then back to the parking area by noon. We can also shuttle a group to Shultz for an in and out hike there. This blitz is open to invitees and Trione-Annadel volunteers only. Just let me know if you are coming.

Sugarloaf Ridge State Park: 4/27, 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
• Meet at main parking lot (on the left past the kiosk). One group will shuttle to the Vista Trail and hike to Gray Pine and then return via Meadow Trail. Another group will do a shorter hike, heading up Lower Bald Mtn Trail and return on Stern Road. This bioblitz event is open to the public, provided they pre-register at
Please register on brown paper tickets and join the project page.

Trione-Annadel, 4/28, 10 AM to 2 PM.
Meet at Warren Richardson Parking lot. We will shuttle to the White Oak Gate. One group will take the easy hike back to Warren Richardson. The other group will do a longer hike following Two-Quarry to Marsh trail and then taking South Burma To Warren Richardson. This bioblitz event is open to the public, provided they pre-register at

I just learned the good news that most of remaining trails will open in Annadel today except for two remaining closures: 1) Ridge Trail from Marsh Trail at Ledson Marsh north to Marsh Trail intersection 1.6 miles south of Canyon Fire Road, 2) Marsh Trail between Lawndale Trail and Pig Flat Trail.

Thanks, Bill

發佈由 coffearobusta42 超過 6 年 前

Hi all - wanted to make sure you saw this list to help with the confirming & refining process! It's going to be in a few parts so it doesn't exceed the character limit in comments:

During the 2018 City Nature Challenge we ended up making observations of species that had not previously been recorded in the San Francisco Bay Area (the 9 counties that touch the bay). Some of these have made it to Research Grade, some are waiting to be confirmed or to have mis-IDs changed. Help us refine this list to figure out exactly what species we added in the Bay Area during the City Nature Challenge!

Research Grade
Daldinia loculata:
Entoloma holoconiotum:
Hygrocybe coccineocrenata:
Taphrina alni:

Needs ID
Coleosporium tussilaginis:
Pileolaria brevipes:
Puccinia balsamorrhizae:
Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca:
Sphaerotheca macularis:

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前

Research Grade
Andrena auricoma:
Andrena nigrocaerulea:
Aphis gossypii:
Compsomyiops callipes:
Ellychnia corrusca:

Entomobrya atrocincta:

Grammoptera militaris:
Holopleura marginata:

Liometopum luctuosum:
Lordotus apiculus:
Neoterpes trianguliferata:
Paracantha cultaris:
Pogonomyrmex subdentatus:
Tollius setosus:
Trechus obtusus:

Trigoniulus corallinus:

Needs ID
Crematogaster coarctata:
Aceria fraxini:
Alobates pennsylvanica:
Altica ambiens:
Amphibolips confluenta:
Argia translata:
Cardiophorus edwardsi:
Clepsis fucana:
Dilophus nigrostigma:
Ectopsocus meridionalis:
Epiblema deverrae:
Euleia fratria:
Greya solenobiella:
Hexagenia limbata:
Lucilia silvarum:
Malacosoma americanum:
Notonecta undulata:
Oligotoma nigra:
Ormenoides venusta:
Pactopus horni:
Philotarsus californicus:
Plagiodera versicolora:
Pogonosoma ridingsi:
Ptenothrix maculosa:
Ptinus fallax:
Rabdophaga strobiloides:
Saltella sphondylii:
Stenotus binotatus:
Syngrapha rectangula:
Trichopsocus clarus:
Eriophyes heteromeles:
Kukulcania geophila:
Philodromus josemitensis:
Theridion californicum:

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前

Research Grade
Aira elegans:
Allium fimbriatum:
Bothriochloa laguroides:
Calandrinia ciliata:
Ceanothus megacarpus:
Delphinium uliginosum:
Elymus x hansenii:
Fritillaria pluriflora:
Hierochloe occidentalis:
Lysimachia monelli:
Phacelia suaveolens:
Sarcocornia quinqueflora:

Needs ID
Betula alleghaniensis:
Azolla caroliniana:
Chenopodium glaucum:
Cryptantha intermedia:
Delphinium nuttallianum:
Juglans major:
Juncus marginatus:
Krascheninnikovia lanata:
Leymus x vancouverensis:
Ludwigia palustris:
Monarda fistulosa:
Allium hyalinum:
Arctostaphylos viscida viscida:
Eucalyptus pauciflora:
Eucalyptus tereticornis:
Farlowia conferta:
Frullania bolanderi:
Geranium seemannii:
Hesperolinon clevelandii:
Hypoxis hirsuta:
Leucobryum glaucum:
Lithospermum caroliniense:
Phacelia viscida:
Plagiobothrys tener:
Plagiomnium cuspidatum:
Pleurozium schreberi:
Puccinellia maritima:
Silene antirrhina:

Other Taxa
Research Grade
Diadumene leucolena:
Pseudopotamilla occelata:
Diversibipalium multilineatum:

Needs ID
Bacillaria paxillifer:
Salmo trutta fario:
Gemma gemma:
Megapallifera mutabilis:

發佈由 kestrel 超過 6 年 前


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