Countdown to the Challenge!

The City Nature Challenge 2018 is less than one month away. We hope you plan to join us as we demonstrate to the world the rich biodiversity found in San Diego County. Your observations submitted to iNat from April 27 through April 30 are extremely important to this effort. You can visit open space canyons in your neighborhood or venture out anywhere in San Diego County from the coast to the mountains to the desert. Perhaps you will want to explore one of the many natural parks or nature preserves in our county.

To prepare for the event, please click here to join the City Nature Challenge: San Diego County 2018 Project--do it today! If you haven’t already done so, click here to join the San Diego County Plant Atlas Project. See the instructions here for changing the settings for each project so that your observations will have the most value for research.

On Tuesday, April 17, you may want to attend the "Nature and You: Crowdsourced Science" Nat Talk at the San Diego Natural History Museum where you will learn how scientists at the museum use data from iNaturalist observations in their research, and you can network with other iNat contributors. Purchase tickets at

Don't forget to mark your calendar so you can hit the trail and begin submitting observations on Friday, April 27th!

由使用者 milliebasden milliebasden2018年03月28日 23:43 所貼文


I would add: It wouldn't hurt to photograph any insects, lizards, etc., that you see as well. All organisms count toward the challenge.

發佈由 judygibson 超過 6 年 前


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