Observation of the Month

Salt Grass (Distichlis spicata) Poaceae

Grasses are easy to overlook when out in the field looking for plants to document using iNaturalist. This observation of the month, posted by efmer, is of Distichlis spicata, a grass that is widespread in San Diego County. As its common name implies, it is found in salty or alkaline soils. There are 102 voucher specimens of Salt Grass from the county in the San Diego Natural History Museum's herbarium, but only 55 observations in the county posted on iNaturalist have been verified by Jon Rebman. Perhaps the relatively low number of verified observations reflects the difficulty of identifying grasses. But never fear, follow the guidelines for What to Photograph and you will greatly enhance the probability that the grasses you observe can be identified. Be sure to take close-up photos of the flowering heads, the stem and leaves, as well as a photo of the overall plant. We have over 200 grass species in our area. How many species of grass have you documented?

由使用者 milliebasden milliebasden2018年05月05日 02:31 所貼文




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