Possible "lost knowledge" re wattles...?

20 years ago it was common practice to ringbark or fell black wattles (Acacia mearnsii) and brush wattles (Paraserianthes lophantha ) without further intervention, as they do not regrow. Personally, I cut down a number of juveniles and did not see any regrowth while working on the site for a couple more years, while on the same site , dozens of dead ringvarked wattles were felled for safety reasons due to creation of a new bush walk through their midst. Others had already fallen and lay rotting on the ground, making marvellous habitat.

So we were surprised to learn recently that contractors are often obliged to the use herbicide, in the belief that felled or ringbarked trees may regrow.

There may have been cases of regrowth of which we are unaware, so we have asked everyone we meet in the field for the latest info on this.

So far we have not heard of any experience of regrowth, and herbicide use seems to be common.

We look forward to learning of differing experience in the control of wattles, and in the meantime offer this example of a brush wattle felled without herbicide or further intervention and monitored till the beginnings of decay, in a monitored trial of chemical-free weed control conducted in collaboration with Wildlands Consultants:


由使用者 kaipatiki_naturewatch kaipatiki_naturewatch2019年04月16日 06:52 所貼文




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