
I took a walk last night, just before sunset.

I was surprised to hear crickets. I was even more surprised to realize that I have never-and I mean this literally-thought about when do crickets start.

This is particularly odd since I have thought quite a bit about when they stop. In the past, come autumn, I listen each night for the crickets knowing that their time is short. "This will be the last night I hear crickets" I think on an especially warm September or early October evening when I sleep with the windows open.

Since I pay a lot of attention to things like the first robin, I am surprised by my cricket ignoring. I usually like to make informal note of these things. Knowing that crickets start mid-May is helpful.

Anyway, since the hour was late-ish (after 9pm) and the light was low, taking a picture of the crickets was out of the question. I opted to record them instead.

I know almost nothing about crickets. I do not know if you can ID them by their chirp. Most of my observations on iNaturalist and Great Nature Project have been of plants (because they stay stiil).

In my day to day life, I make note of birds. Since my camera is of indifferent quality, I do not attempt pictures, but I still make note.

I have paid very little attention to insects, bugs and spiders. This is a whole new thing for me.

由使用者 anneclewis anneclewis2015年05月15日 02:13 所貼文




蟋蟀屬 ( Gryllus)




5月 13, 2015 21:50 CDT


Sound of first crickets. Unfortunately, I live near a busy road so there are car sounds as well. You will need to maximize your volume to hear them. Can you tell a cricket by its chirp?




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