14. Observation fields in iNaturalist zijn te vergelijken met "Tags" waarbij veel velden hetzelfde doel dienen

Tags, Observation fields en Tutorial plaatjes iPhone en Android (14)
Een "Observation field" kun je vergelijken met een "Tag" die iedereen kan toewijzen en aanmaken maar ook toekennen aan je waarneming.
Nadeel is dan ook dat veel vergelijkbare velden met het zelfde doel aangemaakt zijn.
Dat is niet altijd een voordeel zodat men ze zou moeten ordenen op volgorde van gebruik. De meest gebruikte velden zouden dan boven aan komen te staan.

Om dit euvel te verhelpen zijn Annotations bedacht. Deze kunnen niet door iedereen aangemaakt worden.


Release mobile apps iNaturalist
https://github.com/inaturalist/INaturalistIOS/tags (seems the right one)

Wanneer de Mieren, Hommels en Bijen goed geAnnoteerd zijn kun je dit soort plaatjes maken:
De opkomst en ondergang van de diverse stadia zoals mannetjes die maar kort leven en koninginnnen die het oudst worden.
Je kunt dan zien in welke maand van het jaar een soort zwermt en wanneer de eerste weksters verschijnen.


I would support the addition of an annotations filter on the Identotron (Compare) page, that filtered by Life Stage, Sex or Phenology stage.
It would be really useful - I end up going to the taxon pages and using the pictures and Life Stage options: (e.g https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/47213-Sphingidae/browse_photos?term_id=1&term_value_id=6&place_id=113055 1) - it would be nice if that filter could be on the identotron.

(I would also like parts, like: leaves, fruit, flowers, bark, habit, but I dont see how this could be done).
Tags, Observation fields en Tutorial plaatjes iPhone en Android (14)

Fenologie plaatjes zijn ook mogelijk

Fenologiewaarnemingen met Vruchten, Bloemen en Bloemknoppen(uit Florida)

Fenologiewaarnemingen met Vruchten, Bloemen en Bloemknoppen(uit Florida)

由使用者 ahospers ahospers2020年10月13日 20:44 所貼文


Google started with FreeBase

Language Support
Language support in EOL v3 is in continuous development, but many features are internationalized. Here's where things stand at the moment:

The interface- navigating EOL in different languages:

Thanks to our collaborators at translatewiki and their corps of volunteer translators, the full EOL basic interface navigation is available in Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, English, Finnish, French, Macedonian, Piedmontese, Traditional Chinese and Turkish. Read more about becoming a volunteer translator.

Common or vernacular names for taxa:

We have harvested the common names holdings of the wikidata, which include just over 291,000 names in 279 languages. We also have >93,000 common names in 130 languages added by valiant EOL members to fill gaps they observed over the past ten years. You can search EOL by any of these names and find them in the names tab of any taxon page.

We have articles in many languages. The article tab has a language filter, which is set to English by default. We hope soon to make that default setting configurable in your EOL profile.

Structured data:
Our valiant translatewiki community

One of the great advantages of structured attribute and interaction data is that it is very efficient to translate. Commonly used data terms like "body length" and "predator" in our taxon page summaries are translated by the translatewiki community, and many place names have translations available from our geographic terms providers, geonames and wikidata. We have harvested the common names holdings of the wikidata, which include just over 291,000 names in 279 languages. We also have >93,000 common names in 130 languages added by valiant EOL members to fill gaps they observed over the past ten years. You can search EOL by any of these names and find them in the names tab of any taxon page.

From Freebase to Wikidata: The Great Migration


iNaturalist (Q16958215) is a citizen science project focused on biodiversity. It has a large community of enthusiasts, of which some are also active in the various Wikimedia communities. This wikiproject aims at improving the cross-pollination between iNaturalist and Wikimedia communities. Wikimedia Commons is an ideal platform to source iNaturalist with observations while iNaturalist with its high-grade annotations of observations provides valuable references to Wikidata statements. "Research grade" observations are incorporated into other online databases such as Global Biodiversity Information Facility (Q1531570). iNaturalist supports many Wikimedia-compatible licensing options, including CC0 (Q6938433), Creative Commons Attribution (Q6905323) and Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (Q6905942). Snippets from Wikipedia are also used on iNaturalist to describe individual taxa.

EOL took 291,000 common names in 279 languages from WikiData
EOL took 291,000 common names in 279 languages from WikiData (20)

發佈由 ahospers 大約 4 年 前


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