15. FAQ Antwoorden op veel gestelde vragen bij iNaturalist.org, Frequently Asked Questions

Hieronder staan de antwoorden op veel gestelde vragen bij het gebruik van iNaturalist. Iedereen kan in deze wiki zijn antwoorden aanpassen..https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/responses

  1. Welkom Welcome
  2. Dit is geen Organisme, Test Waarnemingen aanmaken
  3. Waarneming met een Persoon er op
  4. Een Naam toekennen aan een waarneming (Add an Identification)
  5. Meerdere Soorten in Een waarneming (Multiple Species in One Observation)
  6. Ontsnapt, Escape, Gevangen, Kweek (Captive/Cultivated Organism)
  7. Licenties en Gebruiksrechten (Use Your Own Photos And Observations (copyrighted photos))
  8. Hoe maak je een ingezoomde foto (Provide Cropped Photo)
    Rotate Photo
    Re-order Photo
    Missing Date
    Missing Location
    Incorrect Location
    Imprecise Location
    Private Location
    Duplicate Observations
    Misled by Computer Vision
    Welcome to iNaturalist
    Please modify this to fit your style/personality.

Hi, welcome to iNaturalist! As a new iNat user, here are a few links to pages you might find useful:

Getting Started Guide
Frequently Asked Questions
iNaturalist Forum
iNaturalist Blog

If you need help, feel free to reach out to me personally—you can tag me in a comment by writing @ then my username, or asking the community at large via the iNaturalist forum, or by shooting a message to the help desk at help@inaturalist.org. Again, welcome! Hope you stick around. :)

Not an Organism/Test Observations
Hi, welcome to iNaturalist! iNaturalist is for observations of plants, animals, and other organisms. If you need some more help, be sure to check out the Getting Started page: http://www.inaturalist.org/pages/getting+started and Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/help

Observation of Human
Humans are indeed found in this area, but iNaturalist is best used for wild animals, plants, and other creatures. If you need some more help, be sure to check out the Getting Started page: http://www.inaturalist.org/pages/getting+started and Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/help

Add an Identification
Preferable only to use this for new users, as there are many reasons why an experienced user may not add an ID to their observations.

Option 1: Hi, welcome to iNaturalist! Even if you don't know the exact species, you can select a higher level identification such as "plant" or "insect". Many people helping identify observations on iNaturalist will filter the observations by the group of species they know how to ID (like plants or insects), so observations with a blank ID like this one will be excluded from those filtered searches. Putting in a general ID helps funnel your observation to someone who might know what they're looking at so that it can get identified more quickly. Here is a video tutorial for the mobile app: https://vimeo.com/162581545

Option 2 (general/coarse ID added): This general identification will help people who know the possible species better than I do to find it more easily. Many people helping identify observations on iNaturalist filter the observations for particular groups of species they know how to identify, so attaching your observation to the tree of life makes this easier. If you want to learn more about how identifications progress on iNaturalist, you can read more here: https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/getting+started#identify

Option 3 (subject unclear): Hi, welcome to iNaturalist! I've been helping identify observations that aren't yet identified as any organism at all. Which organism are you focusing on in this observation? I've added this identification for now, but let me know if you were focusing on a different organism here. Thanks!

Multiple Species in One Observation
Web User: Each observation should be about a single species. Rather than adding several photos of different species to a single observation, please put each in its own observation. You can add multiple photos to an observation when they are each photos of the same thing. A quick way to fix this observation is to use the duplicate feature. In the upper right corner of the observation page, click the downward arrow next to "Edit" and choose "Duplicate." Then identify the duplicate observation as the organism in your second photo and uncheck the checkboxes next to the other photos. Then come back to this first observation, click "Edit," and remove the extra photos. Thank you.

Mobile User: Each observation should be about a single species. Rather than adding several photos of different species to a single observation, please put each in its own observation. You can add multiple photos to an observation when they are each photos of the same thing. All of the photos should be saved in the photo gallery on your device, so you can use the app to create a new observation for each type of organism you photographed. Be sure to edit this observation to remove the extra photos. Thank you.

Captive/Cultivated Organism
new user: Hi, welcome to iNaturalist! Be sure to mark cultivated/planted plants as "captive/cultivated" when you upload observations of them. Here's a short video showing how to do it in the mobile app: https://vimeo.com/331151155
On the website, you can also do so after uploading by clicking the "thumbs down" next to "Organism is wild?" in the Data Quality Assessment section at the bottom of this page. Thank you!
established user: Please mark cultivated/planted plants as "captive/cultivated" when you upload observations of them. You can also do so after uploading by clicking the "thumbs down" next to "Organism is wild?" in the Data Quality Assessment section at the bottom of this page on the website. Thank you!

new user: Hi, welcome to iNaturalist! Be sure to mark captive animals and pets as "captive/cultivated" when you upload observations of them. Here's a short video showing how to do it in the mobile app: https://vimeo.com/331151155
On the website, you can also do so after uploading by clicking the "thumbs down" next to "Organism is wild?" in the Data Quality Assessment section at the bottom of this page. Thank you!
established user:It doesn’t look like this is a wild animal. Don't forget to mark the checkbox for "captive/cultivated" when you make the observation. You can also do so after uploading by clicking the "thumbs down" next to "Organism is wild?" in the Data Quality Assessment section at the bottom of this page on the website. Thank you!
Either: Hi, welcome to iNaturalist! iNat is primarily meant for wild organisms. If you do upload captive or planted things like house plants, garden plants, zoo animals, or pets, please mark them as "captive/cultivated" on the add observation screen. That helps make sure the range maps only represent wild populations. Here's a short video showing how to do it in the mobile app: https://vimeo.com/331151155
On the website, you can also mark it after uploading the observation by clicking the "thumbs down" next to "Organism is wild?" in the Data Quality Assessment section at the bottom of this page. Thanks!

Use Your Own Photos And Observations
A few different options here. See the Finding and dealing with fabricated data page for some more information.

Assuming they did see that species then and there: Please only upload your own photos. iNaturalist observations should represent evidence of the actual organism you observed, not just a similar example. Uploading photos like this typically infringes on someone else's copyright. If you couldn't get a photo of something you saw, it's perfectly acceptable to upload observations of things you have observed without a photo attached.

Clearly didn't see that organism then and there: Please only upload your own photos. iNaturalist observations should represent evidence of an actual organism you observed. Uploading photos like this typically infringes on someone else's copyright.

(for Curators) User is unresponsive to requests to remove/stop posting copyrighted images: Hi, it looks like you've posted several photos from the internet that are not your own. Aside from being a legal copyright violation, this can have a serious negative impact on data quality on iNaturalist. On iNaturalist, photos should be evidence of the actual organism that you saw, not just a similar example. If you continue to post copyrighted images, your account will be at risk of suspension.

(for Curators) Private message to send to a user who was suspended: Hi, your account has been suspended for uploading several copyrighted images. If you would like your account to be reactivated please email help@inaturalist.org for more information.

Provide Cropped Photo
It's helpful if you can crop the photo more closely to the subject. iNaturalist resizes images, so while we can zoom in to try to see it closer, the image does lose some resolution. Cropping usually makes it easier to get an identification too.

Rotate Photo
To rotate a photo, click the "i" (white circle) below the photo. On the next page, click on the appropriate rotate button. You do not have to save the page, just wait for it to finish displaying the "rotating" message.

Re-order Photos
To re-order photos on the website, click on the "edit" button (top right of the page). On the next page, click the “Re-order photos” link on the right side of the page, at the bottom of the photos section. On the next page, add numbers to each photo. iNat will then place the photos in numerical order. Note that any photo with a blank number box will appear last, so you only need number the important photos. Then click "Update photos". When it returns you to the edit page, click "Save". (Do not overlook this last step!)

Missing Date
It looks like this observation is missing a "date observed". That is, the day you saw/found this organism. If you add the date, your observation will be eligible for "research grade" status, and will appear in the "Identify" section of the website. You can add the date by editing the observation, selecting the date, and re-saving it. Thanks!

Missing Location
It looks like this observation is missing location on the map. To add a location, click the "Edit" button, then use the search to type in a location and/or use the map to zoom and drop a pinpoint where the organism was observed. If you are concerned about revealing the location of a sensitive organism (or where your house is), you can hide the exact location from the public by changing the geoprivacy of the observation from "open" to "obscured."

Note that you can also set a perimeter of uncertainty around your observation. For instance, if you know you saw the organism somewhere in a park, when you enter the location you can set the uncertainty perimeter so that it encompasses the entire park. Just drag one of the points around the circle closer toward the center point to as accurate a location as you can estimate.

Incorrect Location
It looks like the location on the map is incorrect. Can you edit the observation to reposition the map pinpoint? You can do this by zooming in on the map within the mobile app or by editing on the website and tapping/clicking where it was observed. You indicate a "general area" by dragging one of the points around the circle further from the center point to as accurate a location as you can estimate. If you don't want to reveal the exact location, you can can also make it “obscured”, which will protect your privacy while still providing an approximate location of the organism. Thanks!


Wanneer de Mieren, Hommels en Bijen goed geAnnoteerd zijn kun je dit soort plaatjes maken:
De opkomst en ondergang van de diverse stadia zoals mannetjes die maar kort leven en koninginnnen die het oudst worden.
Je kunt dan zien in welke maand van het jaar een soort zwermt en wanneer de eerste weksters verschijnen.


I would support the addition of an annotations filter on the Identotron (Compare) page, that filtered by Life Stage, Sex or Phenology stage.
It would be really useful - I end up going to the taxon pages and using the pictures and Life Stage options: (e.g https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/47213-Sphingidae/browse_photos?term_id=1&term_value_id=6&place_id=113055 1) - it would be nice if that filter could be on the identotron.

(I would also like parts, like: leaves, fruit, flowers, bark, habit, but I dont see how this could be done).

Fenologie plaatjes zijn ook mogelijk

Fenologiewaarnemingen met Vruchten, Bloemen en Bloemknoppen(uit Florida)

Fenologiewaarnemingen met Vruchten, Bloemen en Bloemknoppen(uit Florida)

由使用者 ahospers ahospers2020年10月16日 20:11 所貼文


Google started with FreeBase

Language Support
Language support in EOL v3 is in continuous development, but many features are internationalized. Here's where things stand at the moment:

The interface- navigating EOL in different languages:

Thanks to our collaborators at translatewiki and their corps of volunteer translators, the full EOL basic interface navigation is available in Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, English, Finnish, French, Macedonian, Piedmontese, Traditional Chinese and Turkish. Read more about becoming a volunteer translator.

Common or vernacular names for taxa:

We have harvested the common names holdings of the wikidata, which include just over 291,000 names in 279 languages. We also have >93,000 common names in 130 languages added by valiant EOL members to fill gaps they observed over the past ten years. You can search EOL by any of these names and find them in the names tab of any taxon page.

We have articles in many languages. The article tab has a language filter, which is set to English by default. We hope soon to make that default setting configurable in your EOL profile.

Structured data:
Our valiant translatewiki community

One of the great advantages of structured attribute and interaction data is that it is very efficient to translate. Commonly used data terms like "body length" and "predator" in our taxon page summaries are translated by the translatewiki community, and many place names have translations available from our geographic terms providers, geonames and wikidata. We have harvested the common names holdings of the wikidata, which include just over 291,000 names in 279 languages. We also have >93,000 common names in 130 languages added by valiant EOL members to fill gaps they observed over the past ten years. You can search EOL by any of these names and find them in the names tab of any taxon page.

From Freebase to Wikidata: The Great Migration


iNaturalist (Q16958215) is a citizen science project focused on biodiversity. It has a large community of enthusiasts, of which some are also active in the various Wikimedia communities. This wikiproject aims at improving the cross-pollination between iNaturalist and Wikimedia communities. Wikimedia Commons is an ideal platform to source iNaturalist with observations while iNaturalist with its high-grade annotations of observations provides valuable references to Wikidata statements. "Research grade" observations are incorporated into other online databases such as Global Biodiversity Information Facility (Q1531570). iNaturalist supports many Wikimedia-compatible licensing options, including CC0 (Q6938433), Creative Commons Attribution (Q6905323) and Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (Q6905942). Snippets from Wikipedia are also used on iNaturalist to describe individual taxa.

EOL took 291,000 common names in 279 languages from WikiData
EOL took 291,000 common names in 279 languages from WikiData (20)

發佈由 ahospers 大約 4 年 前

Op dit moment wordt het zelfde determinatie model gebruikt maar gevoed met veel meer soorten en veel meer fotos waardoor het 210 dagen duurt om het volledige model door te rekenen.
Voor de rest worden er niet te veel aanpassingen gedaan. Om het model sneller door te laten rekenen was nieuwe hardware aangeschaft maar door COVID Corona wilde ze niet het risico lopen om COVID op te lopen en was het voordeel van de nieuwe hardware te weinig tov gelopen risico's . https://www.inaturalist.org/posts/31806-a-new-vision-model#activity_comment_5737746
We're currently training a new model based on an export in September that had ~18 million images of 35k+ taxa. It's running with the same setup that we've used on previous models, but with a lot more data, so it will probably take ~210 days and be done some time next Spring. We're simultaneously experimenting with an updated system (TensorFlow 2, Xception vs Inception) that seems to be much faster, e.g. it seems like it might do the same job in 40-60 days, so if it seems like the new system performs about the same as the old one in terms of accuracy, inference speed, etc., we might just switch over to that and have a new model deployed in January or February 2021.

FWIW, COVID has kind of put a hitch in our goal of training 2 models a year. We actually ordered some new hardware right before our local shelter in place orders were issued, and we didn't feel the benefit of the new hardware outweighed the COVID risk of spending extended time inside at the office to assemble everything and get it running. Uncertainty about when it would be safe to do so was part of why we didn't start training a new model in the spring (that and the general insanity of the pandemic), but eventually we realized things weren't likely to get much better any time soon so we just started a new training job on the old system.

The Academy is actually open to the public again now, with fairly stringent admission protocols for both the public and staff, so we might decide to go in an build out that new machine, but right now we're still continuing with this training job and experimenting with newer, faster software at home.

發佈由 ahospers 大約 4 年 前


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