Struggling With Straggler

February 2022 finally broke my string of months with at least one upload of blooming Straggler Daisy (Calyptocarpus vialis), a string that dated back to March 2020. With a couple of hard freezes at the beginning and end of this February, the species never had enough growing “season” in CenTex to put out flowers. There were five observations of Straggler Daisy uploaded in the Greater Austin Metro Area during the month, but none of them show evidence of blooming:
Across the state, there were a few observations of blooming Straggler Daisy in the first few days of February, particulary in Laredo, the LRGV, and on the coast, but including one in the DFW area on February 1 as a hard freeze set in:
I should have gotten out in my neighborhood on February 1 as well and might have kept my string alive. No one documented flowers on the species again in Texas until February 22 on the coast at Corpus Christi:
I failed to find flowers on any Straggler Daisy on a 4-mile walk in the neighborhood today (March 3).

由使用者 gcwarbler gcwarbler2022年03月03日 22:06 所貼文


Oh no! I hate to hear that.

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