Eridanlover’s Seasonal Bioblitzes的日誌


*RESULTS* 2022 ESB Spooky Season Bioblitz: Grey Wolves vs Vampire Bats

Hello everyone!

It’s been one week since the Spooky Season Bioblitz concluded. That should’ve given you ample time to submit all of your observations. With that being said, I’m sure you’re all excited to see our results.

In first place we have Team Vampire Bats, with a total of 425 observations. 12 of those observations belong to Class Arachnida, cumulating in a total of 437 points! The team roster for Vampire Bats includes @katsuofthenubs, @elkoftheriot, and @leviathanteeth. Team Vampire Bats scored 59 more points than Team Grey Wolves, making them the winning team for the blitz. The top observer for this team was @katsuofthenubs with 364 observations and 70 species.

In second place we have Team Grey Wolves, with a total of 361 observations. 17 of those observations belong to Class Arachnida, cumulating in a total of 378! The team roster for Grey Wolves includes @eridanlover, @tsslimemold, @local_romano_lover, and @danyantree. The top observer for this team was @eridanlover at 291 observations and 117 species.

In terms of taxa diversity, Team Grey Wolves scores above Team Vampire Bats, 183 to 125. The most observed species was the muskovy duck (Cairina moschata), with 43 observations, all by @katsuofthenubs. Several threatened native species were also observed, including California adolphia (Adolphia californica), Heermann’s gull (Larus heermanni), San Diego sagewort (Artemisia palmeri), and San Diego marsh-elder (Iva hayensiana) by @eridanlover, as well as Southern California walnut (Juglans californica) by @elkoftheriot.

Special thanks for @mako252 and @aaronddhh for being the top identifiers for Team Vampire Bats and Team Grey Wolves respectively!

In total, 786 observations of 290 species were observed over the course of the entire blitz. Congratulations to all of our team members for making this contributions to citizen science, thank you for participating, and hope to see you again next season! Our next blitz will take place December 5th-11th. Stay tuned for more information.

由使用者 eridanlover eridanlover2022年11月06日 00:36 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


2022 ESB Spooky Season Bioblitz: Grey Wolves vs Vampire Bats

Hello and welcome to our first seasonal bioblitz! This blitz will last from October 24, 2022 through October 30, 2022 with no specified location constraints. In accordance with the seasonal theme, 1 extra point will be awarded to teams with “creepy crawlie” observations (Class Arachnida) in addition to the standard points (1 individual observation = 1 point). The winning team, top individual observers, top species count observers, and top identifiers will be recognized and congratulated in the team and umbrella project journals as well as through Discord, Instagram, email, or in person if possible.

Team Grey Wolves
Team Vampire Bats

View both of the links above and join the team that has a fewer number of users. I will rearrange the user lists if they are uneven, so if you’ve noticed you are no longer listed on your original team, this is not a mistake. The teams will be open to join until the final hour of the blitz, but if you have any difficulties joining, please contact me so that I may manually add your account. Feel free to comment below with any other questions pertaining to the blitz. Good luck and have fun!

由使用者 eridanlover eridanlover2022年10月05日 05:00 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論
