FNCB iNaturalist的日誌

期刊歸檔用於 2024年6月


Wombat Forest Fungi Foray

For our June field trip on Sunday 9th, Les Hanrahan @leshanrahan led us through the rain along the Lerderderg Track in Blakeville in the morning. The rain cleared up for us to enjoy lunch at the Mooroobool Reservoir park, before spending the afternoon along Slaters Rd in Mollongghip.

Autumn was very dry, so fungi have not been abundant recently. Perhaps the rain overnight and in the morning helped, because we found far more fungi on our field trip than Les thought we might.

You can see all the day's observations by clicking here.

Many thanks to Les for another fascinating fungi field trip!

由使用者 vireyajacquard vireyajacquard2024年06月13日 12:40 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論