Highlands Nature Sanctuary Moth sightings <IDs confirmed and unconfirmed> as reported to iNaturalist

Nemapogon – Hodges#026*, 027*
Diachorisia velatella - Hodges#0279
Xylesthia pruniramiella – Clemens’ Bark (Speckled Xylesthia) Moth - Hodges#0317
Acrolophus plumifrontella - Eastern Grass-tubeworm Moth - Hodges#0372
Acrolophus popeanella - Clemens' Grass Tubeworm Moth - Hodges#0373
Monopis dorsistrigella - Skunkback Monopis - Hodges#0416
Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis - Evergreen Bagworm Moth - Hodges#0457
Corythophora – Hodges#047*
Bucculatrix coronatella - Hodges#0559
Caloptilia bimaculatella – Maple Caloptilia Hodges#0595
Neurobathra strigifinitella - Hodges#0663
Agonopterix curvilineella - Curved-line Agonopterix - Hodges#0859
Agonopterix alstroemeriana - Poison Hemlock Moth - Hodges#0874.1
Psilocorsis reflexella - Dotted Leaftier - Hodges#0957
Antaeotricha – Hodges#1011 or 1014
Callima argenticinctella - Orange-headed Epicallima - Hodges#1046
Glyphidocera dimorphella - Hodges#1143
Pigritia – Hodges#123*-124*
Coleophora mayrella - Metallic Coleophora Moth - Hodges#1387
Melanocinclis – Hodges#1503-1507
Limnaecia phragmitella - Shy Cosmet - Hodges#1515
Coleotechnites florae - Coleotechnites Flower Moth - Hodges#1809
Coleotechnites gibsonella - Common Juniper Leafminer - Hodges#1811
Taygete attributella – Triangle-marked Twirler Moth Hodges#1842
Arogalea cristifasciella - Stripe-backed Moth - Hodges#1851
Chionodes obscurusella complex - Boxelder leafworm moth - Hodges#2099
Fascista cercerisella - Redbud Leaffolder - Hodges#2204
Dichomeris inversella - Hodges#2310
Atteva aurea - Ailanthus Webworm Moth - Hodges#2401
Endothenia hebesana - Verbena Bud Moth - Hodges#2738
Phaecasiophora niveiguttana - Labyrinth Moth - Hodges#2772
Hedya separatana - Pink-washed Leafroller - Hodges#2860
Epiblema brightonana - Brighton's Epiblema - Hodges#3203
Proteoteras moffatiana – Maple Bud Borer (Gray-flanked Proteoteras) - Hodges#3235
Gretchena concitatricana - Hodges#3268
Cydia latiferreana - Filbertworm Moth - Hodges#3494
Gymnandrosoma punctidiscanum - Hodges#3495
Pandemis limitata - Three-lined Leafroller - Hodges#3594
Argyrotaenia velutinana - Red-banded Leafroller - Hodges#3597
Cenopis reticulatana - Reticulated Fruitworm - Hodges#3720
Platynota exasperatana - Exasperating Platynota - Hodges#3743
Coelostathma discopunctana - The Batman Moth - Hodges#3747
Megalopyge crispata - Black-waved Flannel Moth - Hodges#4644
Norape ovina - White Flannel Moth - Hodges#4650
Tortricidia pallida - Red-crossed Button Slug - Hodges#4653
Tortricidia flexuosa - Abbreviated Button Slug - Hodges#4654
Lithacodes fasciola - Yellow-shouldered Slug Moth - Hodges#4665
Apoda y-inversum – Yellow-collared (Inverted Y) Slug Moth - Hodges#4667
Apoda biguttata - Shagreened Slug Moth - Hodges#4669
Prolimacodes badia - Skiff Moth - Hodges#4671
Isochaetes beutenmuelleri - Beutenmueller's Slug Moth - Hodges#4675
Phobetron pithecium - Hag Moth - Hodges#4677
Natada nasoni - Nason's Slug - Hodges#4679
Isa textula - Crowned Slug - Hodges#4681
Euclea delphinii - Spiny Oak-Slug Moth - Hodges#4697
Parasa chloris - Smaller Parasa - Hodges#4698
Acharia stimulea - Saddleback Caterpillar Moth - Hodges#4700
Scoparia biplagialis - Double-striped Scoparia - Hodges#4716
Chrysendeton medicinalis - Bold Medicine Moth - Hodges#4744
Elophila gyralis - Waterlily Borer - Hodges#4751
Elophila obliteralis - Waterlily Leafcutter - Hodges#4755
Petrophila bifascialis - Two-banded Petrophila - Hodges#4774
Petrophila fulicalis - Feather-edged Petrophila - Hodges#4777
Petrophila canadensis - Canadian Petrophila - Hodges#4779
Cliniodes ostreonalis - Oystershell Metrea Moth - Hodges#4789
Glaphyria fulminalis - Black-patched Glaphyria Moth - Hodges#4873
Lipocosma sicalis – Brown-banded Lipocosma Hodges#4881
Lipocosma adelalis - Hodges#4883
Dicymolomia julianalis - Julia's Dicymolomia - Hodges#4889
Crocidophora tuberculalis - Pale-winged Crocidophora moth - Hodges#4945
Ostrinia penitalis - American Lotus Borer - Hodges#4946
Hahncappsia – Hodges#4961-66
Sericoplaga externalis – Falcate Sericoplaga Hodges#4991
Desmia funeralis or maculalis – Hodges#5159-5160
Anageshna primordialis - Yellow-spotted Webworm Moth - Hodges#5176
Palpita magniferalis - Splendid Palpita - Hodges#5226
Polygrammodes flavidalis - Ironweed Root Moth - Hodges#5228
Polygrammodes langdonalis - Hodges#5229
Pantographa limata - Basswood Leafroller - Hodges#5241
Herpetogramma pertextalis - Bold-feathered Grass Moth - Hodges#5275
Herpetogramma thestealis - Zigzag Herpetogramma - Hodges#5277
Herpetogramma aeglealis - Serpentine Webworm - Hodges#5280
Crambus agitatellus - Double-banded Grass-veneer - Hodges#5362
Neodactria luteolellus - Mottled Grass-veneer - Hodges#5379
Microcrambus biguttellus - Gold-stripe Grass-veneer - Hodges#5419
Microcrambus elegans - Elegant Grass-veneer - Hodges#5420
Aglossa cuprina - Grease Moth - Hodges#5518
Tosale oviplagalis - Dimorphic Tosale Moth - Hodges#5556
Condylolomia participialis - Drab Condylolomia - Hodges#5571
Oneida lunulalis - Orange-tufted Oneida - Hodges#5588
Pococera asperatella - Maple Webworm Moth - Hodges#5606
Pococera expandens – Striped Oak Webworm (Double-humped Pococera) Moth - Hodges#5608
Salebriaria rufimaculatella – White-banded Salebriaria Hodges#5775.2
Eulogia ochrifrontella - Broad-banded Eulogia - Hodges#5999
Varneria postremella - The Little Ruby (Rusty Varneria) - Hodges#6029
Peoria approximella - Carmine Snout Moth - Hodges#6053
Hellinsia homodactylus - Hodges#6203
Hellinsia kellicottii – Goldenrod Borer Hodges#6212
Macaria aemulataria - Common Angle - Hodges#6326
Habrosyne gloriosa - Glorious Habrosyne - Hodges#6236
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides - Tufted Thyatirin - Hodges#6237
Oreta rosea - Rose Hooktip - Hodges#6255
Protitame virginalis - Virgin Moth - Hodges#6270
Macaria pustularia - Lesser Maple Spanworm - Hodges#6273
Mellilla xanthometata - Orange Wing - Hodges#6322
Macaria notata - Birch Angle - Hodges#6330
Macaria promiscuata - Promiscuous Angle - Hodges#6331
Macaria multilineata - Many-lined Angle - Hodges#6353
Digrammia ocellinata - Faint-spotted Angle - Hodges#6386
Glenoides texanaria - Texas Gray Moth - Hodges#6443
Iridopsis larvaria - Bent-line Gray - Hodges#6588
Ectropis crepuscularia - Small Engrailed - Hodges#6597
Epimecis hortaria - Tulip-tree Beauty - Hodges#6599
Melanolophia canadaria - Canadian Melanolophia - Hodges#6620
Melanolophia signataria - Signate Melanolophia - Hodges#6621
Hypagyrtis unipunctata - One-spotted Variant - Hodges#6654
Hypagyrtis esther - Esther Moth - Hodges#6655
Lomographa vestaliata - White Spring Moth - Hodges#6667
Cabera erythemaria - Yellow-dusted Cream - Hodges#6677
Pero ancetaria - Hubner's Pero - Hodges#6748
Homochlodes – Hodges#6811-12
Cepphis armataria - Scallop Moth - Hodges#6835
Plagodis phlogosaria - Straight-lined Plagodis - Hodges#6842
Plagodis fervidaria - Fervid Plagodis - Hodges#6843
Lambdina fervidaria - Curve-lined Looper - Hodges#6894
Eusarca confusaria - Confused Eusarca - Hodges#6941
Eutrapela clemataria - Curve-toothed Geometer - Hodges#6966
Antepione thisoaria - Variable Antepione - Hodges#6987
Nemoria bistriaria - Red-fringed Emerald - Hodges#7046
Pleuroprucha insulsaria - Common Tan Wave - Hodges#7132
Scopula inductata - Soft-lined Wave - Hodges#7169
Leptostales ferruminaria - Light-ribboned Wave - Hodges#7180
Eulithis diversilineata or gracilineata – Hodges#7196-7197
Gandaritis atricolorata - Dark-banded Geometer - Hodges#7214
Rheumaptera prunivorata - Cherry Scallop Shell - Hodges#7292
Xanthorhoe ferrugata – Dark-barred (Red) Twin-Spot - Hodges#7388
Xanthorhoe lacustrata - Toothed Brown Carpet - Hodges#7390
Hydrelia inornata - Unadorned Carpet - Hodges#7422
Eupithecia miserulata - Common Eupithecia - Hodges#7474
Acasis viridata - Olive-and-black Carpet - Hodges#7635
Apatelodes torrefacta - Spotted Apatelodes - Hodges#7663
Olceclostera angelica - The Angel - Hodges#7665
Artace cribrarius - Dot-lined White - Hodges#7683
Eacles imperialis - Imperial Moth - Hodges#7704
Citheronia regalis - Regal Moth - Hodges#7706
Syssphinx bicolor - Honey Locust Moth - Hodges#7709
Syssphinx bisecta - Bisected Honey Locust Moth - Hodges#7712
Dryocampa rubicunda - Rosy Maple Moth - Hodges#7715
Anisota stigma - Spiny Oakworm Moth - Hodges#7716
Automeris io - Io Moth - Hodges#7746
Antheraea polyphemus - Polyphemus Moth - Hodges#7757
Actias luna - Luna Moth - Hodges#7758
Callosamia angulifera - Tulip-tree Silkmoth - Hodges#7765
Manduca jasminearum - Ash Sphinx - Hodges#7783
Ceratomia amyntor - Elm Sphinx - Hodges#7786
Ceratomia undulosa - Waved Sphinx - Hodges#7787
Ceratomia catalpae - Catalpa Sphinx - Hodges#7789
Sphinx canadensis - Canadian Sphinx - Hodges#7807
Sphinx kalmiae - Laurel Sphinx moth - Hodges#7809
Paonias myops - Small-eyed Sphinx - Hodges#7825
Amorpha juglandis - Walnut Sphinx - Hodges#7827
Eumorpha pandorus - Pandora Sphinx - Hodges#7859
Darapsa myron - Virginia Creeper Sphinx - Hodges#7885
Darapsa choerilus - Azalea Sphinx - Hodges#7886
Datana drexelii - Drexel's Datana - Hodges#7904
Datana integerrima - Walnut Caterpillar Moth - Hodges#7907
Peridea basitriens - Oval-Based Prominent - Hodges#7919
Pheosia rimosa - Black-rimmed Prominent - Hodges#7922
Ellida caniplaga - Linden Prominent - Hodges#7930
Gluphisia septentrionis - Common Gluphisia - Hodges#7931
Macrurocampa marthesia - Mottled Prominent - Hodges#7975
Heterocampa subrotata - Small Heterocampa - Hodges#7985
Schizura ipomaeae - Morning-glory Prominent - Hodges#8005
Schizura badia - Chestnut Schizura - Hodges#8006
Schizura unicornis - Unicorn Caterpillar Moth - Hodges#8007
Schizura concinna - Red-humped Caterpillar Moth - Hodges#8010
Schizura leptinoides - Black-blotched Schizura - Hodges#8011
Oligocentria semirufescens - Red-washed Prominent - Hodges#8012
Oligocentria lignicolor - White-streaked Prominent - Hodges#8017
Hypoprepia miniata - Scarlet-winged Lichen Moth - Hodges#8089
Hypoprepia fucosa - Painted Lichen Moth - Hodges#8090
Haploa clymene - Clymene Moth - Hodges#8107
Virbia aurantiaca - Orange Virbia - Hodges#8121
Spilosoma congrua - Agreeable Tiger Moth - Hodges#8134
Hyphantria cunea - Fall Webworm Moth - Hodges#8140
Hypercompe scribonia - Giant Leopard Moth - Hodges#8146
Halysidota – Hodges# 8203-8204
Lophocampa caryae - Hickory Tussock Moth - Hodges#8211
Cycnia tenera - Delicate Cycnia - Hodges#8230
Euchaetes egle - Milkweed Tussock Moth - Hodges#8238
Dasychira obliquata - Streaked Tussock Moth - Hodges#8302
Orgyia definita - Definite Tussock Moth - Hodges#8314
Orgyia leucostigma - White-marked Tussock Moth - Hodges#8316
Idia americalis - American Idia - Hodges#8322
Idia diminuendis - Orange-spotted Idia - Hodges#8329
Idia lubricalis - Glossy Black Idia - Hodges#8334
Phalaenophana pyramusalis - Dark-banded Owlet - Hodges#8338
Zanclognatha laevigata - Variable Zanclognatha - Hodges#8345
Zanclognatha cruralis - Early Zanclognatha - Hodges#8351
Zanclognatha jacchusalis - Wavy-lined Zanclognatha - Hodges#8353
Renia discoloralis - Discolored Renia Moth - Hodges#8381
Renia flavipunctalis - Yellow-spotted Renia - Hodges#8384.1
Tetanolita floridana - Florida Tetanolita - Hodges#8368
Bleptina caradrinalis - Bent-winged Owlet - Hodges#8370
Palthis angulalis - Dark-spotted Palthis - Hodges#8397
Palthis asopialis - Faint-spotted Palthis - Hodges#8398
Rivula propinqualis - Spotted Grass Moth - Hodges#8404
Dyspyralis illocata - Visitation Moth - Hodges#8426
Sigela brauneata – False Brown Pug Hodges#8432
Hypena manalis - Flowing-line Hypena - Hodges#8441
Hypena baltimoralis - Baltimore Hypena - Hodges#8442
Hypena palparia - Mottled Hypena - Hodges#8444
Hypena abalienalis - White-lined Hypena - Hodges#8445
Hypena deceptalis - Deceptive Hypena - Hodges#8446
Hypena madefactalis - Gray-edged Hypena - Hodges#8447
Hypena scabra - Green Cloverworm - Hodges#8465
Isogona tenuis - Thin-lined Owlet - Hodges#8493
Metalectra discalis - Common Fungus Moth - Hodges#8499
Metalectra richardsi - Richards' Fungus Moth - Hodges#8505
Scolecocampa liburna - Dead-wood Borer Moth - Hodges#8514
Rusicada privata - Hibiscus Leaf Caterpillar Moth - Hodges#8547
Panopoda rufimargo - Red-lined Panopoda - Hodges#8587
Panopoda carneicosta - Brown Panopoda - Hodges#8588
Zale lunata - Lunate Zale - Hodges#8689
Zale minerea - Colorful Zale - Hodges#8697
Zale horrida - Horrid Zale - Hodges#8717
Spiloloma lunilinea - Moon-lined Moth - Hodges#8769
Catocala serena - Serene Underwing - Hodges#8779
Catocala neogama - The Bride - Hodges#8798
Catocala ultronia - Ultronia Underwing - Hodges#8857
Catocala grynea - Woody Underwing - Hodges#8864
Allagrapha aerea - Unspotted Looper Moth - Hodges#8898
Autographa precationis - Common Looper - Hodges#8908
Paectes oculatrix - Eyed Paectes - Hodges#8957
Baileya ophthalmica - Eyed Baileya - Hodges#8970
Baileya dormitans - Sleeping Baileya - Hodges#8971
Baileya levitans - Pale Baileya - Hodges#8972
Meganola phylla - Coastal Plain Meganola Moth - Hodges#8983.1
Oruza albocostaliata - The White Edge - Hodges#9025
Hyperstrotia pervertens - Dotted Graylet Moth - Hodges#9037
Marimatha nigrofimbria - Black-bordered Lemon Moth - Hodges#9044
Protodeltote muscosula - Large Mossy Glyph (Lithacodia) - Hodges#9047
Pseudeustrotia carneola - Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia - Hodges#9053
Cerma cerintha - Tufted Bird Dropping Moth - Hodges#9062
Leuconycta diphteroides - Green Leuconycta - Hodges#9065
Leuconycta lepidula - Marbled-green Leuconycta - Hodges#9066
Colocasia flavicornis – Saddled Yellowhorn - Hodges#9184
Colocasia propinquilinea - Closebanded Yellowhorn - Hodges#9185
Acronicta rubricoma – Hackberry (Ruddy) Dagger Moth - Hodges#9199
Acronicta americana - American Dagger Moth - Hodges#9200
Acronicta lobeliae – Greater Oak (Lobelia) Dagger Moth - Hodges#9238
Acronicta ovata – Epauleted (Ovate Dagger) - Hodges#9243
Acronicta increta - Eclipsed Oak Dagger - Hodges#9249
Acronicta retardata – Maple (Retarded) Dagger Moth - Hodges#9251
Acronicta fallax - Green Marvel - Hodges#9281
Polygrammate hebraeicum - The Hebrew - Hodges#9285
Harrisimemna trisignata - Harris's Three Spot - Hodges#9286
Eudryas grata - Beautiful Wood-Nymph - Hodges#9301
Neoligia exhausta - Exhausted Brocade - Hodges#9408
Chytonix palliatricula - Cloaked Marvel - Hodges#9556
Phosphila turbulenta - Turbulent Phosphila - Hodges#9618
Phosphila miselioides - Spotted Phosphila - Hodges#9619
Amphipyra pyramidoides – American Copper Underwing - Hodges#9638
Spodoptera ornithogalli - Yellow-striped Armyworm Moth - Hodges#9669
Elaphria versicolor - Variegated Midget - Hodges#9678
Perigea xanthioides - Red Groundling Moth - Hodges#9689
Condica vecors - Dusky Groundling Moth - Hodges#9696
Ogdoconta cinereola - Common Pinkband - Hodges#9720
Leucania inermis - Unarmed Wainscot - Hodges#10459
Leucania ursula - Ursula Wainscot - Hodges#10461
Agrotis ipsilon - Ipsilon Dart - Hodges#10663
Ochropleura implecta - Flame-shouldered Dart - Hodges#10891
Anicla infecta - Green Cutworm Moth - Hodges#10911

List compiled by Marcia Morris 07/30/2021, event sighting reported as of 07/29/2021

由使用者 dull2shinetoo dull2shinetoo2021年07月30日 10:21 所貼文


Wow! >270 species!
Here's another tidbit... for all life, not just moths, in Highland County

Pre-mothapalooza (thru 7/15/21):
Post-mothapalooza (thru 7/18/21):

So this 3-day event increased the documented species in Highland County by ~24%! And that's with only 16 of the 50+ participants inputting to iNaturalist. Imagine if everyone had input their data!

I bet that more than 9 new people were introduced to the Arc of Appalachia. And some of those additional 42 identifiers may be researchers benefitting from this event.

發佈由 whateverwatcher 約 3 年 前


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