注意:此分割影響到部分或全部的鑑定,也許會被替換成 Cyclopes 的鑑定。 當我們無法自動指派一筆鑑定到輸出分類群之中時會發生這樣的情況。 檢閱Cyclopes didactylus47109的鑑定

Taxonomic Split 61690 (提交於 2021-06-23)

Miranda, Flávia R., et al. "Taxonomic review of the genus Cyclopes Gray, 1821 (Xenarthra: Pilosa), with the revalidation and description of new species." Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 183.3 (2017): 687-721.

Taxonomic review of the genus Cyclope... (引用)
jwidness 於 2019年08月29日 22:02 所新增 | 由 bobby23 於 2021年06月23日 所提交


@loarie @bobby23
The MDD website isn't updated yet, but the next version will have this split. There's also a subspecies swap involved -- https://www.inaturalist.org/taxon_changes/61688. Maybe we have to wait until the MDD website updates to push this?

發佈由 jwidness 約 5 年 前

Also, I made up the common names because C. didactylus sensu stricto needed to be something different.

發佈由 jwidness 約 5 年 前

My preference would be to wait -but defer to you guys

發佈由 loarie 約 5 年 前

Normally I would agree with Scott, but @coreyjlange already added the subspecies as placeholders for these species because he couldn't draft a taxon change himself. Prior to Miranda et al. (2017), the Silky Anteater was considered monophyletic with no subspecies designation.

Since the community is interested and we are partially following this already through Corey's subspecies, I say go for it.

However, @loarie is the only one that can edit the Xenarthra framework right now.

發佈由 bobby23 約 5 年 前

@nateupham would you support this split or do you think it may be premature to integrate into iNaturalist?

發佈由 bobby23 約 5 年 前

Seems safe to me to follow the recommendations of Miranda et al. 2017 in splitting Cyclopes -- in particular because (i) they relied on a variety of different types of evidence in making these delimitations (morphology, genetics from nuclear and mtDNA); (ii) its been nearly two years in print and no direct challenges are yet published, and (iii) it follows the diagnosis-and- monophyly-based version of the phylogenetic species concept (dmPSC as per Gutierrez and Garbino 2018 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6102684/), so it more explicitly testable against future types of evidence. Next version of the MDD will have these species.

發佈由 nateupham 約 5 年 前


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