One week to prep!

Hey folks! I'm starting to get keen for the Blitz next week.

I'm hoping we can get even more people involved this year, so please let any interested friends, family or colleagues know that it's on!!

Would anyone be interested if I organised a group walk somewhere for a couple of hours? It would be BioBlitz style, so we probably wouldn't get very far and would document as much as possible. If there's some people interested I would probably organise it for the Sunday someti...


由使用者 nicklambert nicklambert2024年09月12日 15:29 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Observation of the Month for 202408

Observation of the Month for June 2024

This months observation was by Sue Zucker-Scharff . She observed this on August 30, 2024 in Mamaroneck, NY. Her inaturalist name is sazs and the observation can be seen at:

We believe this to be Mycena haematopus If you have further information please do not hesitate to contact us.



由使用者 tomzuckerscharff tomzuckerscharff2024年09月12日 15:06 所貼文

Making your Observation more likely to be used

Please look at this post delineating the basic requirements of having an observation considered to become the Observation of the Month (Criteria).

Beyond the basic criteria, there are a few things which we take into consideration and which makes the observation more "usable" that are not listed. I came to this realization through a single ins...


由使用者 tomzuckerscharff tomzuckerscharff2024年09月12日 14:45 所貼文

Per a què serveixen les dades dels voluntaris?

Modelització d’espècies invasores a la Costa Brava per a una gestió ràpida

Les dades del voluntariat són una peça clau en la lluita contra les espècies vegetals al·lòctones invasores a la Costa Brava. A través d’un treball col·laboratiu entre ciència i ciutadania, es poden obtenir informacions valuoses per predir i gestionar l’expansió d’aquestes espècies, amb l’objectiu de protegir els ecosistemes naturals de la Costa Brava.


由使用者 audgardr audgardr2024年09月12日 14:43 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Per a què serveixen les dades dels voluntaris?

Modelització d’espècies invasores a la Costa Brava per a una gestió ràpida

Les dades del voluntariat són una peça clau en la lluita contra les espècies vegetals al·lòctones invasores a la Costa Brava. A través d’un treball col·laboratiu entre ciència i ciutadania, es poden obtenir informacions valuoses per predir i gestionar l’expansió d’aquestes espècies, amb l’objectiu de protegir els ecosistemes naturals de la Costa Brava.


由使用者 audgardr audgardr2024年09月12日 14:42 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Hello iNaturalist Community!

We are the San Ignacio del Huinay Foundation, founded in 1998 by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV) and Enel Generación Chile. Since then, we have been dedicated to the study and conservation of the pristine and unique aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems of the Chilean Patagonian fjords. Located in the amazing Comau Fjord, we have amassed over 20-years of observat...


由使用者 huinayresearch huinayresearch2024年09月12日 13:20 所貼文 | 4 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Apresentações no I Encontro Brasileiro de Ciência Cidadã de trabalhos relacionados aos projetos desenvolvidos ou apoiados pelo VIVA Instituto Verde Azul no iNaturalist

Hoje foi dia de apresentar dois trabalhos que estamos desenvolvendo no I Encontro Brasileiro de Ciência Cidadã, organizado pela Rede Brasileira de Ciência Cidadã e que ainda está acontecendo na UFABC, em São Bernardo do Campo.

Um dos trabalhos buscou entender como os observadores de aves que atuam no litoral paulista registram trinta-réis e gaivotas e como contribuem para as plataformas de Ciência Cidadã (conheça o trabalho:


由使用者 marciomotta marciomotta2024年09月12日 12:44 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


全世界大約有 4,000 種已知的蟬物種,隨著研究人員發現和記錄新物種,這個數字每年都在增加。台灣已記錄超過61種蟬。


蟬科 Family: Cicadidae Batsch, 1789

蟬亞科 Subfamily: Cicadinae Batsch, 1789

蟪蛄族 Tribe: Platypleurini Schmidt, 1918

黃蟪蛄屬 (Genus: Platypleura; Amyot & Serville, 1843)

黃蟪蛄 Platypleura hilpa Walker, 1850

蟪蛄屬 (Genus: Planopleura Lee, 2024)

蟪蛄 Planopleura kaempferi (Fabricius, 1794)
小蟪蛄 Planopleura takasagona Matsumura, 1917

長毛蟪蛄屬 (Genus: Suisha Kato,...


由使用者 shigu_scott64 shigu_scott642024年09月12日 12:34 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

14.09.2024 PABB-Exkursion Malz, nördlich von Oranienburg

Leitung: Werner


由使用者 basnera basnera2024年09月12日 08:56 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Grassland Fungi

iNaturalistUK user, Peachysteve, provides advice on recording these under recorded fungi.

The summer may be over but there is still plenty to record. Fungi like warm, moist, and stable conditions and that’s why Autumn is the peak time for them. As the summer heat fades and the rain comes, the soil reaches a Goldilocks state, not too hot, not too cold...


由使用者 giselle_s giselle_s2024年09月12日 07:25 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

A Tale of Two Tides: An Introduction to Intertidal Zones (15th Sep 24)

Monsoon Beauty 2024 Talks

A Tale of Two Tides: An Introduction to Intertidal Zones

Speaker : Samuel John

Join us on 15th Sept, 4:30 PM IST for an engaging talk by Samuel John, Co-Fo...


由使用者 ram_k ram_k2024年09月12日 06:04 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Project Edit

On September 11, 2024, this project was edited to update the actual 2020 Glass Fire Burn area within the park. Previously, the map for this project had incorrectly shown the entire park boundaries. While the updated map of the 2020 Glass Fire burn area is not entirely accurate, it is close enough for documentation purposes and to allow for multiple year observations as time progresses from the original fire footprint.

The curator welcomes anyone who would like to assist with a c...


由使用者 wildmare64 wildmare642024年09月12日 03:50 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Koala breeding season has officially begun!

This means increased koala activity, they may be seen crossing roads, navigating backyards, and possibly getting caught in other dangerous situations. Koalas can be on the move at any time of day, though they are more active between dusk and dawn.

🐨 339 koala sightings were reported across the City of Logan from the community in 2023.
👀 If you see a koala out and about, be sure to report your sighting via iNaturalist so that we can help to protect them as they wander through...


由使用者 environment_logancc environment_logancc2024年09月12日 03:49 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Screech owls

I went out to my local park multiple times before one day hearing the faint rolling call of a screech owl. It was mid morning and no matter where I looked I could not locate him/her. I went back that night and again heard the familiar call over and over until last of the day light had dwindled, then with the poorest of light I spotted a small brown ball flying through the air - It was in fact the screech owl that had been teasing me with calls. I had my nikon z9 with the 180mm-600mm h...


由使用者 kszafrajda kszafrajda2024年09月12日 02:21 所貼文 | 2 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Tulahuen, Coquimbo, Chile. #3

Registro de fauna y flora.


由使用者 danielnunezm danielnunezm2024年09月12日 01:03 所貼文 | 13 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

BioBlitz results!

Thanks for joining our September BioBlitz at Shady Oaks Park! Our event was scheduled for the first day of two week-long events - the California Biodiversity Day and Gall Week. You can still contribute your observations to both events, as well as our BioBlitz event. When you upload observations from our 9/7 event they will be added automatically to our BioBlitz project as long as they were taken within the park boundaries. If you'd like to participate in the California Biodiversity Day e...


由使用者 merav merav2024年09月11日 23:43 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Data review: one year of Obscure Amazonian Lizard Observation of the Week

[in English]
This week marks the one-year anniversary of the first Obscure Amazonian Lizard Observation of the Week, so I thought I would review the past year of data. Because these selections are meant to be a celebration of the lizard diversity present in the Amazon, my goal was to determine if selections were relatively even taxonomically, or focused on one or othe...


由使用者 petezani petezani2024年09月11日 23:01 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

I found what I believe to be a Sheathed Woodtruft mushroom growing very close to the Egan library in Juneau this morning while walking to Class. One of the reasons I chose this for my second iNaturalist post is because although I walk through that area almost every day I hadn't noticed it until today. Sheathed Woodtufts are commonly found growing out of stumps, logs, and decaying wood which in the case of the colony I found holds. They are native to much of the world, including austrial,...


由使用者 izakm izakm2024年09月11日 20:15 所貼文 | 1 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Changed to exotic

I removed Austroderia and made this project just the exotic TSGs.


由使用者 zngow zngow2024年09月11日 19:59 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Trails for Challenge

The Orange Trail will have the 5 signs and instructions for this month's observations.


由使用者 tnordmann tnordmann2024年09月11日 18:07 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Trails for Challenge

The Sunset Bluff and Overlook Trails will have the 5 signs and instructions for this month's observations.


由使用者 tnordmann tnordmann2024年09月11日 18:05 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Imagem do card

Título do Card



由使用者 lanilucas lanilucas2024年09月11日 17:30 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Omalus jewel wasp and its Trojan horse strategy in egg dispersal

In August of 2020 I had a surprise observation of a green Chrysididae wasp (Omalus sp), which during the time when I was taking photos appeared to start to sting aphids. A couple of years later, I read that the stinging was in fact the wasp ovipositing inside the aphids. It was part of a Trojan horse strategy, which involved Crabronid wasps which gathered aphids taking the aphid with the Chrysidid egg back to its nest. The Chrysidid larva would then hatch in the Crabronid’s nest and eat ...


由使用者 sylvester_k sylvester_k2024年09月11日 17:16 所貼文 | 6 個觀察記錄 | 0 評論 | 留下評論


Imagem do card

Título do Card

Descrição breve do conteúdo do card. Pode ser uma introdução ou resumo.


由使用者 lanilucas lanilucas2024年09月11日 16:37 所貼文








由使用者 tbc_watanabe tbc_watanabe2024年09月11日 16:15 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Moon Market and Music today!

Come out to the park today from 5-8 for the Moon Market and Music event. We will have a tent where you can stop by and find out about the BioBlitz as well as our Community Wildlife Certification project and Pollinator Pathway.


由使用者 moonparks moonparks2024年09月11日 15:41 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Histrionotus lightfooti (Peringuey, 1892)

Diagnosis: primary costa formed by long spines, similar to those in Somaticus (Clinocranion) spinosus, but approximated to suture and situated at about middle of elytron; the epipleural margination double, with the upper edge formed by long spines, together with its submarginal depression entirely visible in dorsal aspect.

Original description in:
Peringuey, L. 1892.


由使用者 traianbertau traianbertau2024年09月11日 12:40 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

EDITAL LANÇADO! 7o Encontro de Observação de Borboletas

Está aberto o Edital do 7o Encontro de Observação de Borboletas, que este ano segue com o tema: Dos borboletários aos ambientes naturais.
Consulte o Edital completo aqui:

Fique atento aos prazos:


5.1 Submissão de trabalhos científicos e propostas de palestras: de 20/09/24, até 04/10/2024.

5.2 Proposta...


由使用者 zamoner_maristela zamoner_maristela2024年09月11日 12:10 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論

Finalists announced – NBN Awards for Wildlife Recording 2024

The NBN Trust are delighted to announce the 35 individuals and organisations who have been shortlisted as Finalists of the NBN Awards for Wildlife Recording 2024.  The winners will be announced on Thursday 21 November, at the NBN Conference in Liverpool. Many of th...


由使用者 giselle_s giselle_s2024年09月11日 11:33 所貼文 | 0 評論 | 留下評論