10 years and a month with iNaturalist...

...and now I basically plan my life around iNat activities, and totally enjoy it. I have met so many nice and knowledgeable people on the way, made awesome friends, seen wonderful nature, noticed a lot more of the tiny, amazing things around me, learned about critters I had never heard of before - Neotropical Deer Ked anyone? Luckily there is a lot more to see and learn about, so I'm looking forward to another 10 years with fellow iNatters.

由使用者 annikaml annikaml2023年12月08日 00:01 所貼文


Hey Annika! Big CONGRATS on your new life! Fantastic to have met you during iNat field activities, especially at the moth sheets. I've learned so much from you there. I'll raise my glass to another ten iNat years for you (and me!).


發佈由 jcochran706 6 個月 前

Thanks Jack! The learning is mutual, and I hope we can look forward to many more exciting nature experiences, especially around moth sheets!


發佈由 annikaml 6 個月 前

It's such a great community - people who love nature and spend their time learning more about it. I'm happy to have met you. Congrats on the milestone!

發佈由 zdufran 6 個月 前

Thanks Zach! It's truly the best community! Happy to have met you, too!

發佈由 annikaml 6 個月 前

Congrats! iNat has allowed me to meet some great people, like you! Here's to another decade!

發佈由 k8thegr8 6 個月 前


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