Moffetts (famous) Table 1

text in case pic fails to load

If you'd like to enlarge the table (or drawings) go to this observation below and enlarge the final 3 photographs of that observation:-

Let's add the botanical drawings that Moffet used to illustrate his comparison of these two species:-

First Searsia pterota

text means failed to load

then Searsia longispina

由使用者 annsymons annsymons2021年10月03日 17:39 所貼文


So - it failed to load - back to the drawing board..

發佈由 annsymons 超過 2 年 前

you are missing the full path for the file. It is saying
< img src="Moffetts%20Table%201.jpg" alt="text in case pic fails to load" >

but the file name does not say where to find the picture, just its name. Where have you stored the picture? that link needs to be included, and it needs to be a public place (not on your computer hard drive)

see here:


< img src="medium.jpg?1565037602" alt="text wont work" >
text wont work

< img src="" alt="this works" >
this works

發佈由 tonyrebelo 超過 2 年 前

The only way I seem able to bring the file in is via an upload but that does not help me as it is not an observation. Is there somewhere it could be parked within iNat? The photos you've used as example above in our discussion are already 'inside' iNat.

發佈由 annsymons 超過 2 年 前

Yes: that is the catch: they have to be already on the web (you can refer to flicker, or facebook, or anywhere else. )
Unfortunately, there is not a place on iNaturalist for such stuff. You will need to sneak it into an observation and hope that someone does not flag it and make it invisible.

發佈由 tonyrebelo 超過 2 年 前

And - so far so good - 10 months later.!

發佈由 annsymons 大約 2 年 前


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