E. Pacific Nudibranch News: Six Deepwater Nudibranchs added to iNat (and CA Nudibranchs Guide)

Happy Holidays! Based on WoRMS (referencing Angel's 2018 paper https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.4526.4.1), I have added six new deepwater nudibranchs to iNat, four of which also were added to the CA Sea Slugs Guide. We can only hope that one will wash ashore someday - or perhaps an MBARI researcher will share a few photos!

They are:

  • Aeolidia libitinaria (Undertaker Nudibranch, found under whale bones)
  • Ziminella vrijenhoeki (Vrijenhoeki's Nudibranch - also under whale bones)
  • Tritonia nigritigris (Black Tiger Nudibranch)
  • Zeusia herculea (fanciful but no common name yet - I'm guessing this is a big one?)
  • Cuthona methana (Named re methane seeps, but no common name yet) - OREGON
  • Dendronotus claguei (Clague's Nudibranch) - MEXICO, south of the Gulf of CA

Here's a quick read about them from MBARI, with photos and a cool video.
@kueda will perhaps note some wordier similarities in the opening paragraph of the article with his own intro to the CA Sea Slugs Guide... ;-)

PS. We now have 180 sea slugs in the CA Guide!

由使用者 anudibranchmom anudibranchmom2018年12月14日 01:18 所貼文


I heard about this yesterday! Maybe @wyattp11 or @underwaterpat have some connections?

發佈由 phelsumas4life 超過 5 年 前

And many thanks to @marisa_a for pointing out this paper!

發佈由 anudibranchmom 超過 5 年 前


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