You're Invited

Botany Blitz
Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park
Sunday April 16

Join us for a day of botanizing with renowned botanists! All skill levels are invited to participate and make a difference.

Volunteers will join the chapter’s Whiting Ranch Park Vascular Plant Checklist team in a one-day Botanical Blitz of the entire 2,500 acre park.

Participants will be divided into teams, each lead by an expert field botanist, including Bob Allen, Rebecca Crowe, Emile Fiesler, Sandy Leatherman, Fred Roberts, Michael Simpson, and Ron Vanderhoff. Using the iNaturalist application, each team will survey a different area of the park, documenting as many plant species as possible during the day. Results from the day will contribute to the official checklist, The Vascular Plants of Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park, a multi-year project of the UC Irvine Herbarium, with support from OCCNPS. This is the second county park in an ongoing project. All skill levels are invited to participate.

Sign up at

由使用者 arboretum_amy arboretum_amy2023年03月14日 14:07 所貼文


This is great Amy! Thanks so much.

發佈由 ronvanderhoff 超過 1 年 前

I'm not sure if anyone will see it here, but it was worth a try.

發佈由 arboretum_amy 超過 1 年 前

I think followers get notified? Otherwise, it looks like tagging works, I just posted a... less formal(?) journal invitation to let people know about this event as well called Botany Blitz - Please Join and tagged a whole bunch of people, excluding those who were named in the event flyer.

發佈由 vreinkymov 超過 1 年 前

I think it will be on the dashboard of people who follow me, but I don't think they get a "bubble" notification unless tagged. Personally I almost never read my dashboard... although I like the "third tab" notification stream on the Android app. Perhaps posts like this would show up there as well?

發佈由 arboretum_amy 超過 1 年 前


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