May 9th Three Trees Point, Burien Washington

Tidal flats, rocky with patches of sand, hillside/bluff to east and south, held back by man made retaining walls which reduce sediment flow to beach.
Puget sound beaches are generally characterized as being more rocky. Steep hill sides carved by glaciers give way to relatively flat tidal zone. Rocks are diverse in color, size, and form. At lowest point sea grass becomes thick. Crab shells are clearly visible left behind in grass. In sandier areas geoduck heads can be seen protruding from the sand. Live Moon snails can be found but the condensed sandy remains of their nests are far more abundant. Two types of starfish were observed, a small orange one which we were told is native, and a much larger purple one which we were told came over from Asia on cargo ships and has become an invasive species in Puget sound. Lining the bulkheads at the top of the beach are barnacles and mussels attached to the rock out cropping’s and stairs.
Species List:
Euspira heros
Panopea generosa
Chthamalus stellatus
Metacarcinus magister

由使用者 austinuw austinuw2012年06月05日 15:29 所貼文






5月 9, 2012


Moon Snail




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