The beginning

Landing in Las Vegas, my first impressions was the immense size of the Rocky Mountains of the western side of my country. Their immense imposition on the skyline quietly putting the glitz and gilded gleam of the city to shame. Upon leaving the following morning and traveling into the desert proper i became aware of something disconcerting. It is likely the first thought that enters the mind of any person entering the desert for the first time from the humid, towering, green forests of the Appalachians. This thought is simply that their are no massive forests, no chocking vines growing out of forests floors covered in equal amounts of damp soil and forest greenery, no canopy rising up greedily to consume the suns glow before it reaches the ground. That is not to say that there are no plants, surprisingly, spreading out before me is a sea of scrub brushes dotting the landscape, evenly, for as far as the eye can see. The mountains, bare of the forest canopies of a wetter climate, rise up naked and unafraid before the human eye, their topography and geology readily visible and appreciated for all who gaze on their might. I eagerly desire to see all that this land has to offer, from the bottom of valley to the top of those glorious mountains, my interest has been heavily peaked and even now i doubt that this trip, no matter how thorough, will exhaust my interest in this new world laid before my fresh eyes.

由使用者 brandon130 brandon1302018年03月23日 23:19 所貼文




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