Artifical Intelligence

It is amazing computers can come up with the names of many observed animals and plants instantly these day. It may even be scary. There are several apps. Some are free , some may have subscriptions. There is no 100% accurancy yet.
Stephen Hawking said AI may doom mankind. "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race," These words I'll have to parrot on for the rest of my life. What he said is in the internet.
Today, 2 comments I made in other people's observations didn't get through. Did the computer censor my comments ? or due to some glitch like high traffic. or someone flagged my comments ? I did click F5 to reflesh before the button changed colour.

How will Artificial Intelligence fail to work ? I believe currently the world is running on electricity. The current war at Ukraine shows that in a conventional war, they take out the electrical power generation. In a war , petrol or diesel powered vehicles and tanks will still have advantages over EV cars.

由使用者 chugbug111 chugbug1112022年03月07日 12:50 所貼文




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