Insect Surveys round 3 (final round for the semester)

Insect Surveys - round 2

@gcwarbler , @jcochran706 , @jeffmci9 , @centratex , @pufferchung , @entomike , @adrianj , @victorengel , @benbernhard , @jnorris , @franpfer

We are now in the final week of our survey and I want to take a moment to thank all of you who have come to Pease Park and Roy G. Guerrero park to take part in the surveys with the students. I know that the students have gotten a lot out of you being there and it has helped them enjoy the experience even more. On a personal note it has been great getting to meet some of you as well.

I will host our final survey at Pease Park tonight and then the final survey at Roy G. Guerrero tomorrow night. I know some of you are planning to make it out and I look forward to seeing you.

Curtis Eckerman

由使用者 cmeckerman cmeckerman2022年04月13日 16:48 所貼文


See you at Roy G tomorrow, Curtis! it's been great fun doing these surveys and meeting the faculty and students who've shown up, as well as getting to catch up with you.

發佈由 jcochran706 超過 2 年 前

I'll miss out this time. Poker takes precedence. :) Have fun.

發佈由 victorengel 超過 2 年 前

I just came back from Bastrop county, will be at the Roy G tomorrow night.

發佈由 pufferchung 超過 2 年 前


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