The Pied-billed Grebe and the Snowy Egret

As I was walking east on the south side of Buffalo Bayou, beneath the Montrose foot bridges, I noticed a Snowy Egret standing in the bayou, near the north bank. I took a few shots of the egret and then noticed a small waterbird -- later identified as a Pied-billed Grebe -- approaching from nearer the middle of the bayou. The grebe continued to dive and swim in the area, eventually going around a large log that extended out into the bayou from the north bank.

The grebe seemed to wait (photo 1) on the other side of the log for the egret (photo 2). When the egret eventually crossed the log, the grebe appeared to check with it (photos 3 and 4). Eventually this unlikely pair continued west on the bayou.

I watched this activity for perhaps five minutes. I have no idea how long -- or whether -- it had continued before or after these photos were shot. In any event, their behavior seemed too intentional to be entirely random.

由使用者 das43 das432020年02月24日 17:33 所貼文




斑嘴巨鸊鷉 (Podilymbus podiceps)




2月 22, 2020




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