Week of Jan 26-30, 2015

My field forays this week consisted of trekking around the old mining district in Banner looking for hibernating Townsend's big-eared bats. It mostly consisted of being thwarted by rugged terrain, thick brush, and private land but did manage to get into one mine that had a couple of Corynorhinus in torpor.

由使用者 dcstokes_sdnhm dcstokes_sdnhm2015年01月31日 00:18 所貼文






1月 2015


Banner, CA


Why only one? Are they a solitary species?

發佈由 steph_taylor 約 9 年 前

There were 2 actually, but separated by several meters...this species forms maternity groups (mostly females) during the late spring through early fall while the males are typically solitary. In the winter, you will mostly find solitary individuals in torpor though sometimes you will find multiple bats in torpor in the same general area, however, they are not clustered together like the maternity groups. Thanks for asking!

發佈由 dcstokes_sdnhm 約 9 年 前

Ohhhh! Cool! Thanks for responding!

發佈由 steph_taylor 約 9 年 前


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