Sunday June 2, 2024 Another Full Day at Point Pelee National Park

Rain overnight. Strong winds from the south created waves with whitecaps that crashed against the rock retaining wall noisily and splashed water onto the porch. The rain let up around 9AM and the skies gradually lightened and the porch dried off.

We drove to the DeLaurier Homestead at 11 AM and walked the 1 km trail around the homestead. Best sighting of the trip was the Northern Flicker on a post at the exit from the parking lot.

Fish and onion rings for lunch from Ship Ahoy. Perch and smelts.

Then back to the Park at 1:30 PM where we parked the car at Northwest Beach and walked south along the seasonal footpath that parallels the Centennial Trail. Lots of Eastern Giant Swallowtails and dragonflies, including Eastern Pondhawks and a Common Whitetail.

An evening walk on the Marsh Boardwalk Trail at 7 PM. We saw beavers swimming and swans swimming.

由使用者 drew_baxter drew_baxter2024年06月03日 17:29 所貼文




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