It works. Totally works.

Today I had one of my mystery bugs identified. It didn't happen passively. After many days of stump-the-chumps, i emailed a zoologist, who knew a beetle guy, who contacted a moth gal, who nailed it.
Pleasing to see this technology/medium/community living up to its potential. And even more pleasing to pass that ID along to others who had seen the bug in other venues. And to study the distribution map for this oddball creature, and to feel a part of that.
I think I am hooked.

由使用者 ellen5 ellen52015年11月04日 20:43 所貼文


Great! Which observation was it? Now I'm curious to know!

發佈由 carrieseltzer 超過 8 年 前

This observation of mine ( which matched another unknown you had commented on (

發佈由 ellen5 超過 8 年 前

Wonderful! Glad I helped a little!

發佈由 carrieseltzer 超過 8 年 前


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