Tubmill Pond

This pond is amazing. I stop by nearly every day either in the morning or evening and there is always a plethora of wildlife. Unfortunately unless the sun is in the east I am unable to see the far side of the pond very well. Over the last few months I routinely see Ring-necked Ducks, Bufflehead, Mallards, Canada Geese and Gadwall. For the past few weeks there have been six Snow Geese as well. This morning was sunny and I stopped by on the way to work to find the usual Ring-necks, Mallards, Canada and Snow Geese and was delighted to find a Great Blue Heron, 20 Gadwall, two Blue-Winged Teal, two Green-Winged Teal, at least one Northern Shoveler and a Yellow Rumped Warbler.

由使用者 ellendale ellendale2017年03月23日 23:14 所貼文




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