Drosera trinervia (Small Sundew)

Drosera trinervia is a perennial carnivorous plant and can be recognised by its small basal rosettes covered with reddish, sticky, glandular hairs. The palnts are only 50 - 100 mm high and have one or two long, slightly swollen roots. The wedge-shaped laminas (leaf blades) have slightly rounded ends, 10-20 mm long and 4-7 mm wide. The three veins on the underside of the lamina are most noticeable on dead leaves. Petioles (leaf stalks) are absent but stipules are present on either side of the base of the lamina margin. The stipules, in the form of two thin filaments, are inconspicuous and deciduous. The glandular hairs or tentacles are much larger at the top of the lamina than at the base. The lower surface of the lamina is smooth and without hairs (glabrous) or becomes smooth with age (glabrescen). The flowering stalk originates directly from the centre of the plant. The inflorescence can reach up to 100 mm and 2-10 white or, infrequently, mauve to red flowers are borne closely together. The styles on the ovary are fringed at the top. Flowering occurs from August to November. Blackish-brown, ovoid seeds, 0.3 mm long, are formed in the oblong capsule.

row_nature suggested an ID
Genus Drosera
Welcome to iNat! Great photos, and obviously you are an expert with ID. You might need to just look for a field that lets you 'Suggest ID' so that it gets labelled correctly. If it doesn't have a label on it, it will sit in the 'unknown' category. Hope this helps!

oomgert commented
Hi, thank you! Very much appreciated, no expert. just a very passionate hobbyist, I will see if I can get it fixed. Thanks for the tip, still finding my way around☺️

由使用者 evieb evieb2021年05月06日 06:17 所貼文




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